14 years later

295 4 0

Bronwyn's POV

"MUM!!!! We're gonna be late!"

My mum sighed and rolled my eyes at my little brother, Oliver. "Ollie, you don't even have shoes on."

Oliver sighed, exasperated. He was always a little sassy, and it just got funnier when he got older.

"Alright, get dressed." My mum laughed. She wasn't very old, being only 17 when she gave birth to me and my twin brother, Leo.

Just then, Holly zoomed through, her red hair frizzy and unkempt. "Mum, can I just wear a hat!? It's been three days since I've brushed my hair and..."

My mum rolled her eyes, laughing. "Holly, we went over this, you have to brush it."

She sighed. "It was worth a try."

Claudette, my godsister, came into the kitchen. "Hey bonbon?" She smiled at me.

"Yes?" Claudette was born on the same day I was. May 16. It seemed to give us some kind of connection, even though she was a year older. The oldest of the three kids in my cousin-once-removed James's family, she was very spunky, had black hair with brown highlights, and was a little bit shorter than I was.

"Tom showed up, I think he's really into yoooou!"

I groaned. "Claudette, I hate him." I glanced sideways at my mum and mouthed, We have a secret to keep....

Astoria came downstairs, holding Leo's hand. "Mummy, I don't want Ollie and Adrien to go to school. I'll be lonely."

My mum knelt down and hugged Astoria. "Astoria, you'll get to help more with the babies. Don't you love Hermione and Draco?"

Astoria looked uncertain, and nodded. "Okay.... Where's Sinestra? Is she trying to stop Adrien from spray painting his room bright red?"

Just then we heard some commotion coming from Adrien's room. "But Sinestraaaaaaa!"

"I better go." Mum said, abandoning the lunches she was supposed to be doing.


When the whole family finally piled into the car, my mum looked exhausted. "This day, no matter how you spin it, it's tiring. Is everybody buckled?"

"Yes." We said in unison.

And we were off. At platform 9 3/4, I'd never really given my parents a long goodbye. I felt like my little siblings needed it more.

Just then, I was tapped on the shoulder from behind by a familiar person.

"Hello there."

I rolled my eyes. "Thomas."

He smirked. "That's Thomas Marvolo Riddle the second to you, Malfoy."


I had a lot of fun writing this story! I've come so far from "Hopes and Time Turners" in just a year! It makes my head spin!

Anyways, I just want to give you a big fat thanks! 💖 Should I write another story? Maybe a play? I dunno, but it's always fun to see where my brain takes me while I write.


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