The lesson

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Scorpius's POV

I woke up at about 8:00 that morning so that I could make it to my dad's room at 9:00. He was waiting there for me and when I came in, he gestured for me to sit. 

"Scorpius?" I nodded. "Yes?"

"So, first we are going to talk about starting conversing with girls. Number one, DO NOT USE THE WORD FUNKY WHILE YOU'RE TALKING! If it's possible to feel physical pain from awkwardness, then that definitely happened while you were talking to her."

I felt myself turn red and I slid down in the chair I was sitting in. 

"Also, Scorpius, you need to make her feel comfortable around you. Tomorrow is when I have to start going to work again and you will have to spend time with her."

My heart soared. Spend time with Rose? YES YES YES YES YES!

"Another thing, compliments. Don't tell a girl she smells like bread. EVER. Even if she does, girls do not take that as a compliment. Instead, don't say anything about how she smells, even it it's a good smell."

"Question, how did you know about the bread thing?"

My dad laughed. "Two words, Albus Potter."

I wanted to die. This was too awkward. 

"Another point. Girls like a confident person who isn't trying too hard. You obviously try way too hard, and Rose can see that. Just be yourself and she will start to understand you."

I looked at the ground. Would Rose accept me for who I was?

"Girls also like it when you show interest in their lives and try to understand. I'm certain Rose will like it if you talk to her more, but not in the way you have. Just, take all this advice and use it."

I looked at the ground, embarrassed. I could feel my dad staring at me, and he said something I really did not expect him to say. 

"You know, you and Rose are my OTP."

I looked up. "What? I must not have heard you right." 

He laughed. "I do. You two are so perfect for each other, and you'd be happy."

"You really think we would?!" I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

"Yes. Rose would make a wonderful girlfriend for you, and you'd make a brilliant boyfriend for her."

My chest swelled with happiness. "I really like her. I mean, she's so sweet, smart, funny and just overall brilliant! She reminds me of mum."

My dad nodded sadly. "Your mother was a lot like Rose in spirit when she was younger."

I felt tears fall out of my eyes. My mum was our glue, and my dad and I didn't know how to deal with not having her for years. It took me nearly destroying the world for us to realize it. 

We hugged each other and cried. 

I love my dad. 

Winter at the ManorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon