Seeing Dad Again

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Scorpius's POV

I woke up at around 7:00 that morning, and made my way over to the meeting spot around half an hour later. Rose was already there, looking beautiful, as always. I sat down next to her and we waited around three minutes before my dad came. "Hello Rose, I'm Draco Malfoy." he put his hand out and Rose timidly shook it. "Thank you for letting me stay." Rose said, not breaking eye contact with him. 

We went to the car, and Rose sat in the back so I sat right next to her. 

"So, how are you?" I asked, trying to sound natural. 

"I'm fine, thank you." Oh no, was I sounding too formal. I decided to try a different tactic. 

"That's awesome." Rose stopped and looked at me weird. Uh oh, time to pull out the big guns. 

"How are you?" she asked. 

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius." She would get the reference, right?


"So, what's funky?" I saw my dad facepalm in the rear view mirror. 


"I mean, what stuff do you like to do?"

She blushed. "Um... I like writing."

"Groovy." My dad cringed in the front seat. 

"Um, Rose, have you ever had carrot pudding?" he asked, changing the subject. 

"Yes, it's really good." I was grateful he changed the subject, it was getting awkward. 

"Well, our house elf, Sinestra, makes a mean carrot pudding." He wasn't wrong. Sinestra makes a killer carrot pudding. 

"You have a house elf?" Oh right! Her mum has a thing against house elves being enslaved. 

"Yes, she insists on not getting paid. We were quite willing to, but Sinestra is very old fashioned. And she chastens people when they need to be chastened. Sinestra is assigned mostly to your room, so she will be doing your baths and things." Sinestra loved pampering my mum... she'll probably do the same to Rose

"I know what you're thinking, but believe me, Sinestra gives very relaxing baths." yeah, Rose probably would be thinking that, knowing her. 

"Okay. Thank you." Rose said. She was so polite, I was beginning to wonder if we looked too formal for her to be comfortable. 

When we arrived home, I opened the door for Rose and she nodded politely at me. My dad showed her the room she would be sleeping in and left. 

He turned to me and said, "You're getting lessons on how to talk to girls. That was so awkward that I could barely sit through it."


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