St Mungo's

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Scorpius's POV

I woke up and quickly became disoriented. "Wha... Where am I?!" I felt a hand on my arm and I jumped. "Scorpius, you're at St Mungo's." My dad said. I sighed. "Okay... where's Rosie?!" 

He smiled. "She's in the bed next to yours, she's not awake yet." 

I looked over to my right where, sure enough, Rose was sleeping peacefully. 

I was so happy that I cried a bit. Rosie was out! I was out! 

Rose's POV

I woke with a start and quickly surveyed my surroundings. Okay Rose, keep your head. You seem to be somewhere else, probably a hospital.... ST MUNGO'S!!!

"Hi Rose." Draco smiled at me. "I'm glad to see you alright." 

I nodded. "I'm glad too! Is Scorpius okay?!"

"ROSIE!!!!" Scorpius threw his arms around me. "That was so scary! I need to hug you! Like, probably literally need to!" 

I laughed and hugged him back. Draco smiled and Sinestra pumped her fist. 

My parents were in the room almost instantly. "ROSIE!!!!!" 

"DAD!!!!" I cried as I threw my arms around him. "That was so scary, I missed you!!!!" 

"I missed you too, Rosie Posy." 

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