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"Mikey hates girls like you."

Sanzu stared at Aoiana — waiting for her response and he received nothing but a blank expression from the girl who's busy washing the dishes. She's wearing her hair in a high-messy bun and the apron made her look like some attractive housewife.

"Do I look like I care?" She spat mercilessly, continuing her task. "Why do you keep hitting on me, jerk? The last time I checked, I never had a past with you."

"Because you tried to kill our boss." He exclaimed tightly.

"Ah, that..." She chuckled. "Yeah, someone ordered me so —— don't touch me!"

Sanzu grabbed the collar of her shirt, his expression was fuming mad and the way his eyes darted towards her is something else — as if there's a dark plan hiding in it.

"Fucking piece of trash," The pink-haired guy mumbled. "Just so you know, you will be dead in few days. Mikey will find another girl who's a lot better than you."

"Listen here, san-shit." She pulled his chest away — removing his grip on her collar. She wiped her hands on her apron, tilting her head in annoyance. "I don't give a fuck whether I drop dead today or tomorrow. I'm ready and will always be ready to die, any fucking time."

"What if I shot you dead right now?!"

"Like this?" It was too late for Sanzu to move. Aoiana grabbed the revolver that was placed on the side of his belt — she pointed it on his head. "Like this, san-shit?"

He stopped moving. Eyeing the woman who's smaller — but has all the control around him.

"Why won't you answer?" She smirked at him, watching his serious expression. "If I don't owe Manjiro, you'd probably be dead right now."

She held her own chin high, confidence overflowing. "But I'd rather kill you with my sniper like I promised...so..."

She gave his revolver back, plastering a crazy wide smile. "Live well until then, San-shit."

And in the middle of the stairs — there's Manjiro who's watching them since earlier. A little smile formed around his lips, amused by the woman's brave action.

"C'mere,  Ao." Manjiro opened his arm, allowing Aoiana to stand beside him with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. "That was a good scene, woman."

"Bonten's number two sucks," Aoiana answered smugly. "What about you, Manjiro?"

"Hmm..." His lips trailed on her neck, eyes focused to still shocked Sanzu standing downstairs. "You can kill me whenever you want, Ao."

"That's right..." She whispered sweetly. "But I won't be doing that right away..."

"Yeah..." Manjiro nodded. "That's the plan, Aoiana."

"I can't wait to fulfill it right away, Manjiro."

The next following weeks went hectic — drugs, weapons, and killings, a lot of it happened in just a span of weeks. One by one, Aoiana had gotten used to Bonten's dirty dangerous business.

Her relationship with Manjiro went well — though most of their activities are sexual that didn't stop Manjiro to order Aoiana to kill someone, it's either a businessman, those in politics, and those who're fighting with Bonten's business.

She's now a part of Bonten — with a bad relationship with some of the members but they couldn't deny that her sniping skills are on the next level. She could be the gunner of the organization — that's if she stays loyal under them.

"Aoiana and I will be abducting Mitsuki Haru, the head of SOTP." Manjiro declared during one of their meetings, one Sunday afternoon.

"Oya? Make sure this little girl won't pee her pants." Sanzu smirked cockily.

"Don't get me wrong, Mitsuki Haru tried to kill some of Bonten's members too. He's a great sniper and with him around — we won't be able to move without thinking that what if there's a sniper waiting for us." Ran explained to the woman who's listening to them with no expression at all.

"As usual, our little sniper, you'd be the one who will kill him but," Koko trailed off. "This time you will kill him face to face with this."

Koko showed her the revolver that Sanzu owned — she remembered it very well because the color of it is kind of unique.

"You're shitting with me," She clicked her tongue. "You called me a sniper and you expect me to use that?"

"It's Mikey's order." Her eyes darted towards Manjiro who's watching her with a blank face.

"Is it true?" She had to make sure.

"Yes." He nodded. "He deserves it for using you."

"He didn't use me." She correcting, widening her eyes. "I never met him. I only see him in the picture."

"It's still probably early for you to know."

"To know what?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Hold still, darling.." He smiled. "Time will come and the truth will be revealed."

𝐒𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐄𝐑 . 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎Where stories live. Discover now