5. Undying loyalty

Start from the beginning

"You should have just left me in my cell," she grunts as she gets back in. Thor and I look to each other and shrug our shoulders.


As soon as the light from the sun starts peeking through the glass, I open my eyes. Thor and Ryanne still lay their heads. I tug my lip and start banging on the metal of the ship. They wake up in agony and my smile grows wide.

"Lights up now, chop chop." I hop out and place my feet back on the sand. "I say we just head north and keep going, what do you say?"

"Does it matter?" she says. No one answers so she draws in her lips and nods her head. "Alright then, after you." I start ourselves in one direction and so it begins.

Two hours later and we're right back to where we started. Not literally but this seems to go on forever, I mean it all looks the same.

"I'll be right back, you two keep walking," Thor points to us as he swings his hammer and soars right past us. I look at Ryanne and give her an awkward smile. We continue our path in the same direction hoping to get somewhere.

"So... you're probably wishing you didn't steal the tesseract right about now," I joke. 

"You just love to talk, don't you?" she laughs.

"I beg your pardon."

"It's all you do really. You talk a lot of talk and then you stab people in the back," she shakes her head. "You know, you really had me there for a second." I turn to her and continue with my pace.

"I'm sorry about that," I lick my lips and place both hands in my pockets.

"Why'd you do it?" It takes me a second before I answer.

"I don't know," I let out. She smiles and nods her head looking away from me. For some reason I always feel like I have to prove myself to everyone. That's why, right when I saw my father on the throne, I panicked and handed her in.

Another 3 hours goes by and Thor returns.

"Any news?" I ask him.

"There's a village just an hour walk from here. I've asked someone to come with one of their riders, they should be here any minute," he looks to Ryanne examining her. "I'll take you to the village, Loki you can wait for the horse." I open my mouth and squint my eyes. "What, I can only carry one of you," he attempts to make an excuse.

"Alright then god of thunder," she puts her arms around his neck. "Take me away," she smiles. He gives her a smile back and places his free hand around her waist. He winks at me before swinging his hammer and leaving me once again. This time I was alone. Great.

It's not long before I see a horse coming with someone riding it. They approach closer and gesture for me to hop on. I can't quite see them with a piece of cloth being wrapped around their head and face. I assume it's to keep the sand out for when they're riding.

"I'm Loki, the god of mischief." They laugh and turn their horse back around to get back to the village. "What's so funny?" I say as I hop on.

"You say you're god," they speak. Their voice has a heavy accent and I think they're a lady.

"I am a god," I repeat myself and she laughs again. If I could I would push her off and take the horse for myself but then her village wouldn't be so welcoming. "What's your name?"


"Well then Alice, how far until we reach your village?"

"Not long." That's good.


"I know who you are," she breaks the silence. I furrow my brows and wait for her to finish. "I see the news. New York I think." I laugh and shake my head.

"So what did you think?" I say smiling. Before she could answer I look up to see the village Thor was talking about. I see small homes, trees, and a well. Some of the houses are made of stone and others clay. I smile in disbelief at seeing the people walk around doing their chores. How could anyone stand to live in this weather, I don't know. She gets down from her horse and starts tying it to a pole. I jump off and pat my clothes down before looking up at the site again. I make my way to find my brother and she answers my previous question.

"I thought there might be a story with you," she says. I turn around to face her, squint my eyes, and smile. I thank Alice and then leave her with her horse to resume my search on Thor and Ryanne.

Here's a look at Alice...

Here's a look at Alice

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