Chapter 26

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After Amy had slammed her way out of his office, Ty Sat down in his chair rubbing his face which was really stinging after that slap, then his office door opened and Scott stood their looking at him.
"Ty, You are a bloody idiot, what the hell are you doing, are you deliberately pushing her away from you, and what's the big deal with her getting compensation money for 2 years in a Cell, being raped, having a Miscarriage from IVF that could of killed her Ty, all because he wanted her to give him a son which she can't".
"Yeah I know I can't have a son".
"Is that bothering you as well, then why did you Marry her Ty, you knew from the start that she couldn't have boys , you also start acting like a Jealous school kid because all of a sudden she has her own money and you don't. What do you thinks going to happen Ty, Amy's going to Jet off and hang around with the Rich and famous. You say you know Amy , well, not well enough Ty , because that sort of scene is not what she's into and you should dam well know that. If you lose her now after 5 days of being married , then you deserve everything that's coming to you, I'm going home, you disappoint me Ty. Grow up for godsake".
Ty locked up the Clinic, he wasn't in the mood for clients today and drove back to an empty apartment.
He walked in and saw draws open where Amy had taken her clothes and Amelia's, the Toys were all gone too.
He walked into the kitchen and put the coffee on then saw a letter on the side.

I can't keep doing this, you need to sort out your insecurities, I thought we'd sorted this out once before about money, who cares where it comes from I was the one in a Dungeon for 2 years, raped while sedated, gave birth to Amelia, almost Bled to death from the Miscarriage because that arsehole wouldn't believe me about not having boys, so did IVF while I was sedated Again.
I deserve that compensation and if you really Loved me the way you say you do then this wouldn't be a problem.
I think there's something else going on because Grampa said he noticed a change in you coming up to the wedding, then afterwards when I got the Money he noticed the look on your face.
So unless you really want to be with me , and accept that I have the compensation, then sod off to a different Town and let me try to get over losing you, you broke my heart Ty when you said you didn't want anything to do with the money or anyone involved with it, meaning ME.
Is it Goodbye Ty, or not, let me know.

Amy. X

Ty put it down, made coffee and thought about what Amy said.


At Heartland Lou asked Amy to come and talk now that Amelia was having an after lunch Nap.
"Amy, come talk to us sweetheart, we're worried about you, come on".
Amy started crying and Lou held her apologising for her actions and told her what Tim had been up to. Lou told Amy, Amelia has every right to be in Katie's room and she asked Amy to forgive her for even listening to him. Of course Amy did, she didn't like arguing with Lou and it was always Tim who caused it.
They both walked into the Lounge room..

To be continued

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