Chapter 17

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The Family were all busy when the phone Rings, Lisa was the only one there and she was about to leave, she thought she'd leave it to the answer phone to pick it up and carried on getting ready, Just as she was walking through the Kitchen Lisa heard the voice.
"Hello, this is King Malik's Chief of Security phoning concerning Miss Amy Fleming, ".
It was at that point that Lisa picked up the Phone. "Hello, I'm here, Lisa Bartlett, Amy Fleming's Grandmother".
"Hello, We have good news for you and family, The King and Army attack Ahmeds Palace and found Miss Amy Alive. She will land at private Hanger Ahmed used at 8pm your time.
King is so Happy for you. Someone will call you again".
Lisa thought that given English wasn't his strong point he did very well to get the main points across, and hopefully as he said someone else would phone back.
"Hello Maggie's, Lou Fleming speaking".
"Lou,, Lisa,,, Amy's coming home tonight, they've found her".
"Oh my God, sorry Lisa, I can't believe it, what time is she Landing".
"He said 8PM tonight and Someone would get in touch later, hopefully with better English, although he did do a good job".
"I'm coming home right now, I'm to excited to stay at work".
Lisa laughed and phoned Ty,
"Hello, Ty Borden.......
"Ty, it's me Lisa, Amy's coming home tonight 8pm, King Malik raided Ahmed's Palace again and found Amy alive thank god".
"That's wonderful news Lisa, I'll be home early".

King Malik got in touch with the Canadian Embassy so someone could talk to Amy and arrange for her to be let in to her own country including her Daughter and Fly back with her.
The woman from the Embassy called Tracie knew immediately who It was she was about to meet.
First she met the King's representative who explained what Ahmed had done and then Tracie was introduced to Amy and Amelia. Amy and Amelia were taken to the Embassy and unfortunately the Press had got wind of it, of course Amy looked terrible and so did Amelia, the food they were given wasn't really any good as far as nourishment went which is why Amy was still nursing Amelia so she would get nourishment from Amy's body.
Amy was in with a Doctor along with Amelia, he checked them both over then took blood samples.
Amy was quite thin but the Doctor understood why, as she was trying to give Amelia whatever she had by nursing her, Amelia was able to eat mini Green Beans like you would chips.
Tracie was able to convince Amy to share a Bath with Amealia, but wouldn't touch her hair because it was too long and probably needed a treatment of some kind to put moisture back ìnto it.
They supplied a Dress for her and a pretty outfit for Amelia.
Amy's blood tests came back showing how Anemic she was, apart from the anemia and loss of weight Amy was in reasonable good health and so was Amelia".
"All set to go home Amy, your family will be waiting for you at the private Hanger , we're being taken home in King Malik's private Jet".

To be continued

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