Chapter 5

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Ahmed was aboard his plane with his security people leaving the Team to come home with the horses. The Plane took off on its way back home, Ahmed sat there with a big smile on his face, he couldn't of planned it better himself if he'd tried.
The French Police had been checking the Taxi firm's and the CCTV footage from the Airport for about two hours before Amy's flight, they were also checking the CCTV footage from the Junction where Ahmeds Villa is located to see if a Taxi picked her up.

"There's no sign of Miss Fleming getting out of a Taxi at the Airport Sir."
"Okay thank you".
"Sir, you need to come and watch this CCTV footage from across the road looking at the Prince's Villa ".
"Okay, was there a Taxi".
"No sir, but something weird was going on, here watch this and see if you see what I think I saw".
They sat down and the Detective in charge started to watch then stopped it.
"We need this on the bigger screen shout me when it's ready".
While he was waiting he made a phone call to get a search warrant for the Villa and permission to arrest and interview everyone they find in the Villa.
"We're ready Sir".
He walks in and sits close to the larger screen. "Okay Play it please ".
The video starts playing and there watching and looking at the Time that Amy should of got her Taxi but nothing turned up. Then while still watching someone comes out and reverses one of the SUV's up nearer the doors. Security people are coming out with bags of luggage and they Notice that two of them belong to a women due to the colour, then they Just catch a glimpse of a large Security officer carrying what can only be described as a body obviously unconscious , probably drugged and placed in the rear seat. Then the two men get in and drive off.
"Do we have any CCTV footage for the private entrance to the Airport and around The Prince's Aircraft".
"No sir, but I'll go and see if I can find some for the time period were looking at".
"Sir Phone Call about the warrant ".
"Thank you,  *Hello Yes, Thank you Ma'am.*
Right, listen up we've been given the green light to search the Prince's Villa and everyone there is to be handcuffed and brought back here for interviewing. Everyone of you is in this so Body Armour is a must , if his security shoot then shoot back, now let's get going".
Getting into the Villa was no problem, the Security team was gone, the team informed them they were getting ready for there Party, but the Prince had decided to leave earlier than normal.
They showed the warrant to search the Villa and they all said to help themselves as they couldn't careless.

The search showed that Amy had been there and one Detective found Amy's phone switched off of course.
They interviewed the Team and nothing was found out, but when they interviewed the Staff, they had plenty to say, especially the senior House Keeper who Ahmed had threatened to sack earlier in the day.
"So what did you see ".
"I saw Miss Amy being carried down the stairs, then covered over and taken to the truck. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to dissappear like others have".
Okay thank you, where do you think he's taken her".
"Back Home to his Palace where he probably has her locked up".

"Okay would you sign your Statement  when it's printed out, then you can join your friend's for your Party."
"Thank you Sir".
"I'd like to hear more about what you said , people disappearing if your willing to come back and talk to us".
"Yes I will, and Miss Amy was Unconscious if you were wondering.

To be continued

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