The mother I hardly remember.

She looked after me- cherished me all the way up to when I was five- and then vanished, without a word of where she was going.

Father never speaks of her- he usually gets angry whenever I mention her. They didn't get on, not all the time, my fathers loud and harsh- whereas my mother was gentle and kind.

I remember she had beautiful fair hair- with pretty hazel eyes, but it seems my father dominated a lot of my genes. However, I do have my mother's complexion and face shape- which pleases me.

I've always wondered where she went- what had become of her- maybe this is a lead?

Maybe she possessed a power of nature, or else how would I have it?

I felt slightly excited- at the idea of being able to control parts of this natural world- but I had to focus on one thing- and one thing release Nyx, and get the hell out of here.

Maybe then focus on the new.

Now let's try this again.

I breathed in and out as I stood near the beach's edge, knowing that the creatures are still lurking about like vultures.

I stretched both arms out either side of me- palms upwards.
I closed my eyes- thinking of what I want, how I want the sea to be wielded.

I smiled as my hair started to flap about, the sea windy and whipping at my face.

I opened my eyes- grinning at the water circling me again and giggled as I walked upon the water.

Strange, so strange but absolutely thrilling. I marvelled as I started to walk up the sea, my protective barrier once again keeping those creatures out.

I'm coming Blair of Hybern, and what you will believe- back from the dead.


The crowd came into view again, with Blair's figure by the cliffs edge. I couldn't see her face from this far off- but I knew that she was flabbergasted, I'm just sad I'm missing that reaction.

The cage swung in the harsh wind where Nyx slept.

She's definitely stifled his powers- done something to make him this weak and not be able to escape.

I thought my father was something of evil- but he is no match for Blair, no one is.

I'm closer now- everyone's faces much more visible as I opened a gap in my barrier to see better.

Blair's face was full of fury- her hands in fists at her sides, the whites of her eyes so clear it was as if she had seen a ghost.

I faced my palms to the sea surface, thinking of the water raising me up to the cage where Nyx is.

With just that- I felt the water push my body up, up, up and up. Till I finally faced the iron door that sealed him.

There he rested- not peacefully I could tell, at least he's alive.
His hair was dishevelled- longer than before, the front parts nearly down to the top of his nose.

I pushed the key into the lock and turned it, making the iron door creak open. I breathed a sigh of relief, and ran to him- grabbing him into my arms.

"Nyx..." I whispered, stroking his face- and moving the hair from his eyes. "I'm here."

I hugged him again- feeling his warmth, his closeness.

"I missed you." I sobbed at his sleeping face- stroking his cheeks as my tears fell upon them. "What has she done to you?" I choked- analysing his scratched face.

All of sudden- we were transported on the cliff again- in front of the crowd and Blair- who now sat back on her temporary throne.

"To my surprise, Linetta, you managed to free the one you love." Blair said icily- scowling. "Now how did you manage to do that?"

I didn't answer- instead pulled Nyx closer to my chest, still not waking up.

"You can control nature, can't you Linetta?" Blair asked coldly- her black charcoal makeup making her even more menacing than before.

Yet again, I didn't answer- only stared at her. Why should I state the obvious?

The crowd were silent- some even looking forlorn as they wantched me hug Nyx protectively.

I hadn't noticed before- but Sebastian stood looking down beside Blair.

Somehow he looked different.

Now a lot of the crowd's faces didn't look happy- they looked— pitiful.

What's going on?

"I'm afraid, you did this all for nothing- spring." Blair said, 'sadly'.

"What do you mean?" I asked calmly- searching her face.

"The boy you love won't love you anymore." She smiled, tipping her head sideways, her long dark hair falling with it.

"Sebastian." I demanded. "What does she mean?"

He didn't look at me- didn't even register that I had spoken to him.

"Sweetheart, he won't he answer you- he doesn't even know who you are anymore, neither will your adoring Nyx."

I started to panic- the blood draining from my face.

"They're mine now." She added happily.

I looked at Nyx's beautiful face- now awake- hoping to see those beautiful violet- blue eyes again.

But all that stared back at me- were coal and black.



Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now