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We walked back to the Manor in silence, the anger seething off my father. I hadn't seen him like this, not in a long time.

He had shout at me, practically roared at me "To keep away from whoever dwell into the Night Court- or else you will be entwined in their darkness and not see the lightness of the world again."

I took it silently, even if I had wanted to share my opinion- there would be no way of getting through to him.

I walked in ahead of him, greeted Lucien as I went by, and ran up to my room- slamming the door behind me.

It wasn't my fault he had appeared there- yet he had to somehow blame it on me- to use an excuse to release his anger on me.

There are times when I can deal with his wrath- but there are other times... that it is hard to deal with.

I laid back on my silk sheets of my bed, and rested my head on my soft, pink pillows. Looking up at my ceiling, painted with stars and a deep, night sky.

As darkness descended on the Spring Court, my mind couldn't release the image of him on my mind. I couldn't understand the feelings inside me, why I felt the longing to find him again.

Melody, my helper- not my servant, called me to say that dinner had been served. But I didn't come downstairs.

I couldn't brush off the anger I felt, towards my father, for that growl he made. Why do I feel so strongly when I had only just met the boy?

I shook my head, as if the thoughts could fly out of my mind and fly off into the night sky.

Sleep started to caress my mind as I turned to face my open window, my eyes half closing. Before sleep totally took me, I could've sworn I saw a tall dark figure, wings spread, flying between the stars of the deep blue sky.

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now