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-'•Sebastian's POV•'-

She was utterly brilliant.

Her beautiful blonde body moving with utter vengeance- snapping at Jemima.
She didn't stand a chance, Jemima's head was off- hanging from Linettas's mouth by her hair.

Blair stared at them- her face plain but I could see..in those deep dark eyes of hers that she didn't expect this. Not one bit.

The girls screamed with rage, storming for Linetta- their hands out ready to shred her beautiful, glimmering fur.

Linetta dropped Jemima's head and slashed her paw at Lila- managing to catch the side of her head.

Lila screamed the most terrifying blood curdling scream imaginable- a deep gash gaping where Linetta had struck her.

Cornelia stepped back with horror- gaping at Linetta as she struck at Lila again whilst she was undefended.

At the start of Linetta's trial she seemed weak, like she was definitely not going to do this. The first few rounds showed that, she couldn't even fight back- but now, she's like a totally different person.

I should've known she had it in her, the fact she could wave at me before leaving for her predicated death- means she's got some fighting chance.

I wish the crowd wouldn't be so harsh, but that's Hybern for you. The people have been corrupted into this mad state of mind, all because of Blair- and my father.

"I'll set it right one day." I promised my mother, after she was murdered right in front of me, her head on my lap. "I'll follow what you taught me- I won't let you die in vain. I will take back Hybern, I will be King."

After that I was dragged away- by my sister's guardsmen, who weren't half attor back then. Most of them had been tested however, and had marks to prove it.

I miss my mother, I miss her soft voice when she told me it was ok, I miss her strong voice- the one that told me that I could and will take back what is rightfully mine.

Every moment in my cell I think of her and her advice- replaying it in my mind. That's the only thing that had been keeping me going- this determination to get back what is rightfully mine.

When I glance at my sister I wonder- could me and my mother of helped her, changed her to be kinder- more humane? But when I look closer- at the perfect harsh face, I know there is no hope for her and never has been. She is what she is.

After I had shouted at the crowd- to stop their comments Blair had immediately acted on it. Pressing her long nails into my chin.

"Brother, I allow you out for these particular occasions to enjoy them- to learn, don't make me regret my kind decision." She pressed her nails deeper into my skin. "Or I'll make sure you never see daylight again. Hear me?"

I nodded and shut my mouth, just like always...but as I watched Linetta rip Lila apart limb by limb, I know this won't be forever.


-'•Linetta's POV•'-

I couldn't stop the frenzy my mind has spun into- all I could think about was kill, kill, kill, kill.
Jemima is gone- I had gotten rid of her, easily by the snap of my teeth.
Blair's a fool- I didn't think she was at the start, but this makes her look foolish... and she knows it.

I snap at Lila legs, easily pulling the tendons, veins and whatever else is inside her body, apart.
I kept thinking of Nyx, what I could be doing right now if it weren't for Hybern- which made me turn on Cornelia as soon as I was finished with Lila.

Her screams were satisfying- a feeling I've not really felt before when I'm in my beast. I guess I've never used my ability to the fullest.

"Just STOP! This is not what the Queen promised!" She half snarled and screamed as she wriggled under my claws.

"Stop your whining." I growled- teeth bared at her.

My eyes widened as I realised what I just did- so did Cornelia, I can talk whilst in beast form?

In my moment of distraction Cornelia found the opportunity to slash at my nose, and kick her leg at my jaw causing me to retreat backwards.

She came at me again gripping my head as I tried to snap at her, her nails digging in to my fur.

The crowd went wild- cheering and giggling- in the corner of my eye I could see them, happy- with flushed faces. How could they be like this, how could they like this?

With all of Corneila's strength- she gripped and through me down the stone stage, my body being bruised and bashed as I rolled and hit the stone with a bash.

I whined at the pain coursing through me- tears seeping through my eyes an instant reaction.

"People always get what they deserve." Sneered Cornelia, standing over me- her hair hanging like curtains around her face. "Say hello to my sisters for me."

I whined again, trying to push myself away, but I couldn't- she battered me to the point everything ached.

I'm just waiting to heal- but it's taking too long, probably because I'm too tired to heal quickly. I groan as I realise the obvious, of course- that was Blair's plan too.

The judges haven't said times up yet- I lifted my head looking away from Corneila's gaze. They were held at knife point- by the attor guardsmen, they're wanting this fight to carry on for longer than it should.

Cheats, all of them.

Cornelia snorted- gripping my furry head again with her hand under my jaw.

"It's nice to see you struggle." She chuckled- licking her lips. "I can't wait to make a meal out of you."

Out of no where, in the blink of an eye- Nyx struck.


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