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Nyx stabilised me, as I'm still not used to winnowing.

I heard the ripples of the sea, crashing on the soft, crunchy sand beneath my feet.

"He must be rallying up allies in the autumn court- that's why he was there." Nyx contemplated, crossing his arms.

"Can we talk about.." I begin, walking closer to him.

"He's definitely up to something." He interrupted. "I need to warn my parents.

"Nyx." I called as he started to head for the wooden steps that exit the beach.

He stopped, not looking around.

"Was what my father said true..?"

He continued to not look at me. "No." He stated.

"Look at me, I want to see you saying it." I demand, walking up to him.

"Don't, Linetta, don't. Wait here, I won't be long."

And with that he took off, his large wings beating him high into the sky.

He keeps avoiding this conversation, I know we have a bond- and I know he feels it too. He's even mentioned it.

So why does he avoid it?

I shook my head and sat down on the soft sand.

Velaris laughter and happiness floated past my ears, as people walked past the beach.

We could've been in the summer court by now, laughing with one another- like we have been for the past few days.

What am I going to do now? As soon as all his family find out that my father is plotting with the Autumn court, they're going to want to take me. To use me as some kind of 'bait'.

"Linetta, funny seeing you here."

I looked behind me, and there stood Cailean- dressed in a leather jacket and black matching trousers.
His dark chocolate coloured hair was tightly wrapped in a bun- his blue-grey eyes piercing against the bright sun.

"Don't lock me up again." I pleaded, standing up and walking backwards.

"You should be locked up." He frowned. "Your dangerous, to this city."

I shook my head. "I would never hurt these people."

"Maybe you think you won't- but if you get angry...at any of us- you'll know that hurting these people is one of the ways to provoke us the most."

"That's not true."

He looks at me with a non-believing look. "Anyway, I actually came here to start off  anew."

I made an incredulous look. "What?"

"I feel I've been too harsh, and would like to restart."

"Um..." I try to analyse his face, to see if there is any hint of a lie or trick- none as far I could see. "Okay."

"Okay as in?"

"I'll restart with you."

"Great." He grinned. "Should we grab something to eat?"

"I was told to wait here, for Nyx."

"I don't think he'll be back anytime soon." He said, walking up to me offering his arm.

I took it, our arms linking, when I looked at his face- I could see there was a hidden meaning behind his words and I'm not sure what it is. 


"Did you really do that?" He chuckled, sitting opposite me around a glass table.

I giggle nodding, putting a hand to my mouth to stifle the annoying high pitched sounds. "Mhm, you should have seen the irked face he made."

Me and Cailean were sat having lunch on a balcony in a sweet restaurant in the middle of Velaris. Not the same as the one Nyx had showed me, but it is just as wonderful.

"Linetta the rebel." He joked, sipping his wine glass.

"Mmm." I laughed, I could feel the wine already taking over me...and my senses.

"So, what do you know about your father's plans?" Cailean asked intrigued, it's strange how the alcohol doesn't seem to be affecting him as much as me.

"What do you mean?"  I goofily smile at him and I can't seem to help it.

"When you saw him earlier, you must have told him to meet you there right? And make up that 'fight'? So you must know what he's up to." He stared intently at me, his eyes searching mine. The laughter we shared earlier seems to have diminished.

I glowered, the drink not totally taking over my head to know what he's implying. "I never told him to meet us there- he's rallying up enemies to get me back anyway."

"How do we not know that? What if he's making up an excuse to declare war, and your his golden ticket?"

I stood up, leaving my half finished food at the table. "This was your plan wasn't it, to interrogate me." I realise, how could I have been such a fool?

Cailean snorted. "Don't act all surprised, I know you're pretending too."

"No, no I'm not. If you want to be sure, why not get Nyx or Rhysand to go into my head and check it out?"

"You could have planted a lie in your head, we don't know how smart you are."

"This is ridiculous." I retorted, looking at him with disgust. "I'm going, Nyx should be back." I started to walk towards the doorway leading out of the balcony.

"He's not going to be back."

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Huh?" I turned around and stared at him.
He looked up at me, with no happiness whatsoever.

"They're not going to let him out, because of you."

"What- why?"

"They think you did what I just said."

"That's preposterous." I look at him incredulously "They can't just lock him in."

"They can, if it means they're protecting him."
Cailean stood up and walked over to me. "You need to leave." He demanded sternly.

"I want to stay here- I love it here." I whimper, making a pleading expression.

"You don't, you want to destroy it. You need to come with me, I'll fly you back."

"Back where?" I ask, already knowing the dreadful answer.

"The Spring Court, where you belong." He said, saying it like an insult.

I shake my head backing away but he steps forward and grabs me- taking us up into the sky.

"We'll have to make a few stops before we arrive- it'll take us a few days." He explained, choosing to ignore  the silent tears running down my face.

I watch as Velaris drifts away- as we fly through the outer walls and into the mountains beyond.

"Goodbye Velaris..goodbye Nyx." I whisper. "I'll miss you."


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now