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-'•Cailean's POV•'-

"What did she say to you?" Nyx asked Feyre, clearly trying to gather as much information as possible.

"She confirmed that she is Hybern's daughter. As soon as I saw her I noticed the resemblance." Feyre shivered at the memory, her face in anguish. "And then proceeded to warn us of her battle plans."

"Well?" Nyx insisted. "Go on."

You could see the fear within his features- he hasn't truly fought in a bloody battle...like me. We're both new to this, could we actually stomach it? I squeezed my eyes shut forcefully. We can, we have to.

"She wants the Cauldron back, and apparently if we do just that we'll be on the right terms again. Fail to bring the Cauldron, she will declare war." Feyre explained grimly. "It never ends does it?" She whispered softly, but loud enough for our fae ears to catch.

Rhysand put a hand on Feyre's lovingly and comfortingly. "We'll get through this, like we always have done." He promised, looking deep into her eyes.

She made a small smile and squeezed his hand back.

"Not only do we have Tamlin to contend with, we have this too." Erebus breathed.

"Whats the plan of action then? We're obviously not handing it over." Cassian said- concentration on his worn face.

"Start preparing..maybe try to hit Hybern when they least expect it." Rhysand thought- looking at all our faces.

This is why Rhysand is one of the greatest high lords, he includes everyone in our circle- young or old.

"How? We've tried to make sneaky plans before and still we weren't stealthily enough." Amren reminded us, crossing her arms.

It seems Varian hasn't joined us today- he's most likely at the Summer Court, which he sometimes visits, along with their daughter Aviary.

I frowned- where's Astraea?

I looked at the top of the table but she isn't there.

Nyx's sister loves to explore- and loves to visit places. She's tried to take me over seas before- but I wanted my father to train me. If I'm going to live up to my father's name, I'm not going to go on a 'summer vacation' and hang out with my best friend's sister.

She was offended by that, since then we haven't really spoken much. Can't say that I don't miss her, but right now- theres a lot more going on that distracts me.

"Maybe we need someone in there, someone to be our spy- to attack from the inside?" Cassian suggested.

There were many expressions made by that sentence- mainly disapproving ones. "We can't risk any of us going in there. That's the heart of their forces- no way." Rhysand objected. Of course he wouldn't allow any of his family to take such a risk- he's learnt from it- all of them have.

I can see from all of their faces- that they do not want to feel that pain again..ever.

"That is the only likely way we'll have a one up on her." Amren admitted, staring at the table deep in thought- her silver eyes narrowing. "If she's anything like her father, which she seems to be, she'll be way ahead of us."

"She's right." My mother agreed. "But it must be someone she'd most likely think would come to her- this needs to be believable."

"It can't be any of us, she will not believe that we would go against our own." Azriel affirmed, his dark shadow wings looming over his chair.

Without none of us even knowing she was there, Linetta stepped up to the opposite end of the table- head held high.

"Me, I'll do it."


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now