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I gasped at the beautiful man I hadn't seen in what feels like years, and he still takes my breath away.

Even when his features are mixed with anger and annoyance, there is a beauty about it- that I've never witnessed in anyone else.

"I can look after her now." He walked up to me, and then proceeded to stand in front of me- obscuring me from Cailean.

"Under your parents order Nyx, I was told to look after her and bring her back to her court." Cailean confirmed, a brush of annoyance in his voice.

"Cailean, you really don't want to vex me right now. I've only just come to find out Lin has been attacked by an attor?" Nyx seethed, his arms flapping upwards in outrage.

"You were confined to your room- I've had that punishment before- and it includes no information from the outside."

Nyx growled. "This is important. You know she's important to me Cailean- there should be an exception for this situation."

"I know." Cailean replied softly. "But she's safe with me, I'll take her now and you can meet me here when I return." He compromised.

Nyx took a few steps back and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I will take her."

I could now see Cailean's face, which was in a deep frown- his arms folded.

"Nyx.." Cailean started.

"No." Nyx interrupted. "I thought you were my friend? Friends stick up for each other, stand by each other, they're not supposed to try and take away the things they love." Nyx snapped,  even when he tried to sound harsh- it came out more softly, more hurt.

Cailean was clearly thinking, his face filled with sympathy. He looked uncomfortable, looking at Nyx with his arms around me- which made Nyx tug me closer.

Nyx snorted. "Oh I see." He said coldly. "You like her, don't you?"

Cailean shook his head but it was too late. Nyx dashed forward and grabbed Cailean by the collar of his shirt.

"NYX!" I shouted. "Let go of him." I pleaded.

He didn't seem to notice my cries from behind him, and Cailean didn't even try to fight back. He just looked Nyx in the eyes- as if he deserved it. As if he was punishing himself.

I ran up and pulled at Nyx's arm. "Stop..stop, STOP!"

Nyx pulled away, his breathing haggard- finally looking at me. His eyes were feral, he looked mad- crazy...like a beast I realised. Like me.

"Why did you stop me?" He shouted. "That's what you want isn't it, you want him safe because you've fallen for him too!" He seethed, wings flapping and flaring.

I looked at Cailean wide eyed, silently pleading him to prove Nyx wrong..but he just sat there, staring at me.

"I don't..Nyx I don't." I defended, trying to coax him.

He shook his head "This has happened to me before- nobody wants me." He whimpered, putting his hands to his head. "Nobody wants me." He whispered, falling to his knees.

Tears prick my eyes as I run over the grass and moss to bring him into my arms.

I hugged his head to my chest, brushing my head through his dark thick hair.

"I want you Nyx, I've wanted you since I saw you first step into my court." I whispered into his ear softly. "I've grown to love you Nyx, to love everything about you."

He looked up at me shocked, his mouth slightly parted. I could see the traces of his silent tears, which made me want to cry as well.

"Every day this love and want has grown stronger and stronger." I wipe away the wet that covered his freckled brown cheeks.

I was going to proceed, but I didn't even get to when his lips brushed mine leading to a soft kiss.

He cupped my face, his fingers tracing lightly over my rosy cheeks.

The kiss was amazing, everything about it lovely and soft. Making me want more.

Ive had my lover in the past, and nothing compared to this. This is special- he's special.

Nyx broke the kiss, and carefully pulled me onto his lap.

"You're everything to me, Lin, everything. If what you say is true, that you love me, just imagine that love trillions more stronger- that's how I feel." He grinned, now happy tears planting his cheeks, replacing the sad.

I giggled. "No, mines stronger." I planted a kiss to his nose, which made him beam.

He shook his head, nuzzling his nose with mine- which in turn made me laugh.

This. This is the happiest I've ever felt in forever.

All because of him.

For a few more minutes we sat together, enjoying each other's company.

I blushed as I realised that we have a spectator- but as I look for Cailean...

I noticed he wasn't there.


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang