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"I can't go any further." I groan, sitting myself on a rock on the outskirts of the wood.

"You're Tamlin's daughter, and your telling me you're tired already?" Cailean snapped- turning to me with perplexity.

I roll my eyes. "I still have an annoying body which struggles to function if pushed too hard."

In truth, I wasn't tired at all. I wanted to slow us down a bit- maybe Nyx could help me and bring me back...what am I even thinking- I should be going back to where I belong.

The trouble is- I don't feel like I belong there. I love my gardens and my manor- but I always felt there was something missing- and I feel finally I have found it...but now I'm being taken away from it.

"Pathetic." Cailean grumbled, sitting down angrily opposite me.

Conversation..had been non-existent whilst he was carrying me through the wind. To be honest, I was drowning in my sorrows. Still am. These are the first words we have spoken to each other.

"I flew us through the entire Night Court- and I still can walk through this wood easily." He added, snapping a twig he found beside him.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes and looked up at the sky- wishing to see Nyx's beautiful big dark wings.

"He's not coming to get you."

I sigh. "Can't you at least let me hope?"

I look at him- his facial expression oddly forming a soft expression. As soon as I notice it he quickly makes a sour look, and starts to stamp down the long grasses that surround us by the wood and my rock.

He sits down on his flattened grass. "Fine, we'll rest."

I make a relived sigh, sliding from my rock which is feeling uncomfortable now- and resting on the grasses below.

"Not for long though, I want to get rid of you as soon as I can."

I frown at him unhappily as he smirked slightly. "At least try to hide it."

"Why would I do that?" He picked at the grass and twirled it around his finger. "I want you to know how much I don't like you."

I ignore him and lay my head against the hard rock, closing my eyes- trying to steady my breathing from the long walk we just took.

I miss Nyx, his friendly atmosphere and smiley face. I miss his expressions, his humour- his laugh. Now all that is taken away from me, just because I'm a beast.

Cailean leant back against the grass, his wings out laying out in the hot sun- being prodded by the harder and longer grains of grass.

"How was it like, growing up with Tamlin?"

I stare at him surprised. "Just imagine it, whatever you think of is how it was like."

I look to the left of me, watching the other parts of the Day Court that I can see.

"I bet he's made you a twin of him, you may not even see it yourself- but we all do." He murmured from below.

"I'm not." I growl, my claws sliding out. I'm sick of people telling me I'm like him when he's just my blood- no more.

Caileans rolled his eyes, his sun-kissed face gleaming in the light. "You have just proved my point."

"Ugh." I stand up and start walking again. I'd actually much rather walk miles instead of listening to his negative voice.

One moment I was steaming ahead,  kicking the thick grass out of my way the next Cailean's face was in front of mine.

I was hoping he came to apologise.

"In a way you're my prisoner, Linetta- and prisoners don't just walk off without their guards telling them too." He tried to grab my chin but I jerked away.

"Dont touch me." I seethe, glaring at his blue-grey eyes.

He stared at me with no remorse, only straight faced- but slowly put his hand back to his side.

"You know, you talk about my Father's actions and anger- yet are you two any different? Are all of you any different?"

"We're nothing like him." He growled, coming closer, staring down at me, his dark chocolate hair hanging around my face- tickling it.

I've learnt to deal with this intimidation- this anger, I've had it all my life, but it still effects me in some way. That's what vexes me.

I feel my eyes starting to brim, so I turn away releasing myself from his death stare. Smiling slightly at the irony, I then reply. "You have just proved my point."


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora