Operation Link up part 1

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Just in several t-51b power armor troops entered the battle they took out the mini nuke launchers and fired 5 mini nukes towards the city gate,the gate to the city is blown wide open.The power armor troops soon rushed in to clear it.

When the power armor troops rushed in to ruins of the city they were immediately assail with a hail of arrows but the arrows just simply bounced of the power armor,the power armor troops then raised their laser gatling guns,the gatling guns then begin to spin the imperial troops that is near the gate or Infront of them is simply turned to ash.Those along the walls soon met the same gruesome fate turned to ash.The power armor troops felt satisfied that the area near the gate is cleared immediately rush in to clear further more of the city.

Seeing the area of the city cleared american infantry charge into the city like a swarm of locusts, Jackson and Randall Clark ran up the stairs leading them to the walls of the city so that they can take out the soldiers manning the wall of the city.

"For the empire!die you otherworldly scum!"a imperial soldier shouted as he charge towards Jackson but Jackson lift up his all American assault rifle and fired a single shot the 5.56 round tore through the soldier armor like it's never even there,the imperial soldier fell down with a pool of blood slowly forming around him.
Jackson then kick his leg to check if the soldier is dead.Satified Jackson smiled and continue to clear the walls of the city,since the walls of the city is connected this made his job even easier.

Several imperial soldiers saw Jackson and they formed up behind their shields and slowly begin to march towards him, Jackson smirk and raised his all American assault rifle and fired round after round of 5.56 rounds at the enemy,the first imperial soldier fell,this shocked their comrades but they soon regroup and begin to move toward only to be met with the same results as the 5.56 round tore through their armor like it's not even there. After firing like 25 shots and killing around 15 imperial troops along the main wall he heard a click in his assault rifle,he grunted so he went into his pip boy and materialize a new magazine with 30 rounds and inserted it into his assault rifle.

Several more american soldiers soon joined Jackson as he then begin direct them clear the wall of the city so they can have the high ground.Clearing the walls of the city only took 14 minutes due to the enemy only using swords and bows but some american troops are hit with arrows but thanks to stimpack the wounds suffered by those arrows immediately healed.

"Clear!"a american soldier shouted.

Legate Sirius POV
Oh my god,our defense against the enemy is just swept away like leaves before a burning wind.Ah,we have captured some of their people here.
I immediately ordered my surviving troops to gather the otherworldly slaves we have captured and march towards them so that if they want to kill us or capture us they must first kill their own people.

"Now the walls of the city is in our hands!set up the machine guns any imperial troops that try to escape, you put a bullet in that their primitive skull you hear me!"Jackson shouted

"Yes sir"the american troops at the wall shouted.

House after house were cleared.Imperial begin to hide in the ruins of the city to catch american troops off guard but to little effect as most these american troops are veterans of the sino american war where they deal with these in a daily basis.Those who tried this tactics were easily found and a 5.56 round in their heads.

Jackson and Randall Clark soon stood outside a house that is surprising still standing after the plasma bombing, Jackson said"I will throw a grenade, after it explodes both of us rush in and spray the room you hear me."

"Got it sir"Randall Clark said

Jackson took out a grenade,he pulled the pin and threw a grenade into the house.Both Jackson and Randall Clark rushed into the house.Randall Clark and Jackson switch their rifles to full auto,due to it being fully automatic the spray of bullets only lasted several seconds.In the end both of them killed around 10 imperial troops each in the house.

Gate old world bluesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon