XIV. Stiches and Kisses

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Cassie figured she was in the hospital. The sound of beeping next to her, and the smell of hand sanitizer and sterilizer flooding her senses.

"You're Awake!" Daniel said, watching his daughter adjust to the room.

"What happened?" Cassie asked, looking around the room, and seeing Jasper pretending to be asleep in the chair next to her bed. She knew what happened, she just didn't know her parent's version.

"Edward and Carlisle followed you guys, trying to get Bella back, too. She fell down a flight of stairs, and fell through a window. You tried to help her, but slipped on the glass, and hit your head then cut your arm." Daniel explained, his face painted with worry.

"I guess I've been hanging around Bella too much, her clumsiness is wearying off on me." Cassie joked, hoping to lighten the mood, then looked down at her arm, a simple while bandage was tapped on the cut.

"You know, he hasn't left your side sense you've arrived." Daniel changed the subject, motioning towards Jasper.

"Yeah." Cassie whispered, looking at the "sleeping" man next to her.

"I better go down and check on Erica. She's filling out paper work, and is probably asking about you." Daniel said, standing up from his seat, and making his way out the door.

Once Jasper heard the man's footsteps fade, he popped up examining Cassie. "How are you feeling? Is your arm ok? What ab-"

"Jasper, I'm fine." Cassie said, trying to calm to the blonde, chuckling softly.

Jasper nodded, his face going serious. "Rosalie was right. I put you in too much danger." He said, leaning back on his chair. "It's best if you stay-"

"Don't start with that again. I know what's best for me." Cassie said, cutting him off before he can go on one of his rants.

"Cassie, you almost died because of me."

"No, I almost died from my own stupid decisions. I am alive, because of you. And because of Edward and Carlisle." Cassie corrected, sitting up straight.

"One day, your selflessness is going to get you killed. I heard what you did for Bella." Jasper lightly scolded.

"Maybe. But, I'm ok with that as long as someone I love it ok." Cassie said, Jasper chuckling, moving closer to her.

"Just be careful. I don't think I can live in a world without you." Jasper said, making Cassie chuckle.


"I can't believe they talked us into this." Bella said, as Cassie examined her reflection in the mirror. Her dress was very light pink dress with off the shoulder straps and a sweetheart neckline. It hugged her torso and chest, while falling to the floor. The top was covered in flowery lace designs, that scratched her lightly. A gift from Alice herself, who also loaned Cassie the nude pink heels.

"Prom is an important part of high school. Plus look at all the work Alice put into us going. We can at least stay for an hour or two." Cassie said, fixing her hair, which Alice had straightened pin straight. Her makeup was a simple brown eyeshadow, with clear lip gloss, complements of Rosalie, who was not happy to lend Cassie her favorite lip-gloss.

"Yeah, but think of how many times we'll graduate high school over the years." Bella commented, making Cassie's hands freeze. "We'll have plenty of proms to go to."

Cassie nodded, not wanting to discuss it with her friend. "Yeah, your right." Cassie mumbled, backing away from the mirror.

"You don't want to become a vampire?" Bella asked, noticing her tone.

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