VIII. What you are

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The flashing of blue and red got everyone's attention. They pulled over, and hoped out of their car, the four of them meeting with their fathers. Jasper took his place behind Cassie, wrapping his arms around her.

"Waylon Forge was found dead in his boat at the docks. I just examined the body." Carlisle said, his voice filled with sorrow.

"He died?" Bella asked, "How?"

Carlisle shared a look with Jasper and Edward, then answered, "It was an animal attack." Cassie gasped, knowing what the glances meant. Animal attack was a cover up.

"Was it the same one from down in Mason Country?" Cassie asked, her hands finding Jaspers'.

Carlisle nodded. "Most likely. You should get inside. Both of you. Waylon was a friend of your fathers."

Cassie nodded, then turned to leave,"Goodnight, Jasper."

"Good night, Cassie."


Cassie layed in bed, eyes trained on the ceiling. Her mind was racing, questions swirling around in her brain. After a few seconds, she sighed and sat up, grabbing her laptop from her dresser, plopping down on her bed again.

She signed in, and immediately opened google. "Cold ones." She said, remembering Bella had said that's what Jacob called them.

"What the hell am I doing?" Cassie mumbled to herself, clicking on a website.

Her eyes wondered from article to article. After a few minutes of searching, it finally clicked in her head.


an arm wrapped around her waist, hauling her away from the crash. Before she knew it, Jasper was holding her back from getting hit.

"Hey-Bella!" She tried to see over the van, but all the saw was Tyler's van.

"She's ok." Jasper reassured, his arm still around the girl's waist.

"How'd you do that?" Cassie asked, once Alice was gone.

"Do what?"

"Get to me that fast?" Cassie asked, crossing her arms.

"What do you mean? I was right next to you." Jasper said, tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"Don't do that." Cassie said, looking up at him.

"Do what?" Jasper asked, once again.

"That. Lie, or make up some excuse, because we both know you weren't right next to me." Cassie said.

"You know, Most people would just say thank you." Jasper said, looking down at the girl.


Cassie looked at him, trying to find her voice. She winced slightly when his hand brushed against hers, his hand freezing cold.

Cassie slammed her computer shut, standing up. Was she going crazy, was this some elaborate prank?  The teen began fidgeting with her ring, trying to calm down. Jasper was a vampire. They all were.


Cassie avoided Jasper the next day. She didn't know how to react, much less talk to him. Bella noticed this, and at lunch, slipped her a piece of paper.

'You know what they are?'

Cassie threw looked at Bella nodding, both of them silently agreeing to end that conversation.

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