XI. American Past Time

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Cassie trialed behind Bella as they entered the Swan dining room, to find Charlie cleaning his rifle at the table. A few days have passed, and the girls were invited to hang out with the Cullens again. A storm was coming, and according to Jasper, it's the "The perfect time to play".

Daniel and Erica already know about it, having already met Jasper and approving of their relationship. Bella however, hasn't told Charlie about her and Edward. Which Is why she had forced Cassie to come over after school.

"Isn't he a little old for you?" Charlie asked, not liking the idea of his daughter going out with a boy. Cassie bit her lip, trying not to let a chuckle escape.

"No, he's a junior, I'm a junior." Bella said. "I thought you knew about the Cullens."

"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town." Carlie retorted, causing the chuckle to escape from Cassie's lips.

"He's right outside." Bella informed. "And so is Jasper."

Charlie raised his eyebrows at Jasper's name. "He and Cassie are together." Bella said, Charlie looking at Cassie who nodded. "And your father? He approves?"

"Yes sir." Cassie replied, nervous as well, though she couldn't figure out why.

"Alright." Charlie snapped up his shotgun to piece it back together. "Bring em' in."

"Please be nice." Bella pleaded. "I mean they're....They're important." Charlie circled his hand around his head to symbolize a halo, though that didn't convince Bella much. Never the less, she made her way to the door while Cassie waited in the kitchen.

"So, Daniel and Erica have met Jason?" Charlie asked, looking at Cassie.

"Jasper." She corrected, "And yes. They've met and both approve."

"Chief Swan." Edward greeted as the two shook hands. "I wanted to formally introduce myself. My name's Edward Cullen."

"Hi Edward." Charlie greeted, then turned to Jasper, holding his hand out. "You must be Jasper."

Jasper nodded, shaking the Chief's hand. " Yes, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Cassie looked over at Edward, who seemed to be concentrating on something, probably reading Charlie's mind. "The girls won't be out too late tonight." He said, smiling. "We're going to play baseball with my family."

"Baseball?" Charlie asked, shocked. "Bella's going to play baseball?"

"Yes sir, that's the plan."

Charlie chuckled, "Good luck with that."

"I'll take goof care of her." Edward assured.

The four of them turned to leave, but Charlie motioned Bella over.

Jasper placed a hand on Cassie's back, leading her to the jeep that sat outside.

"It's funny." Edward said, holding the door open for Bella. "Charlie thinks you both should go to an all girl's school."

"No fair, reading Charlie's mind." Bella scolded, smiling in amusement. Edward grinning back at her, placing a baseball hat on her.

"Since when do Vampire like baseball?" Cassie asked, Jasper pulling a baseball hat out for her, as well.

"It's the American Pastime." Jasper said, placing the cap on her head.

"Plus, there's a storm coming." Edward explained, "It's the only time we can play."

"Why's that?" Cassie asked.

"You'll see."


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