XII. The Hunt

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Edward dropped Jasper and Cassie off, after they quickly created a plan. The green-eyed girl was a ball of anxiety, approaching her house, fiddling with her ring. She didn't want to loose anyone else, the way she felt after her mom died, was a feeling she never wanted to feel again.

Before she could enter, Jasper cupped her face, and kissed her softly. "Everything will be ok." He whispered to her, "Go on."

Cassie took a deep breath, opening the door and stepping into her living room, the smell of fish coming from the stove. "Cass! Hey!" Erica said, her face lighting up when her step-daughter came through the door. Her face dropped when she saw Cassie's face. "What's wrong?"

"I have to go." She said quickly running upstairs to grab a few things.

Daniel and Erica looked at each other in shock, before following the girl upstairs.

"What? Cassie!" Daniel called out, trying to catch up with her. "Tell us what's going on!"

They finally caught up with her, watching as she threw random articles of clothing into her backpack. Having enough, Daniel snapped. "Cassandra Davie, you will tell us what's going on!"

Cassie froze for a second, then turned to her parents. "Bella and Edward had a fight. It was bad." She began, as she continued to pack. "She's leaving Forks, but she's driving, and I'm really worried.....I'm going to go with her, and try and talk her back into coming back, or at least to think about it."

"Hey-" Daniel began, but Erica cut him off with a hand gesture.

"How long do you think you'll be gone?" She asked, turning back to Cassie.

"I don't know, but I have to go soon, if I'm going to catch her in time." Cassie let out a sigh, knowing that Erica approved of her leaving.

She ran downstairs, but before she could reach the door, Erica stopped her. She pulled her into a hug, "Be safe, love." Cassie nodded, before disappearing out the door.

When she left the house, Edward was waiting with the jeep, Jasper already inside. "They won't hurt them, right?" She asked once she was buckled in.

"No. I won't let them." Jasper said, kissing her forehead.


They arrived at the Cullen household, quickly making their way inside. Jasper wrapped an arm around her waist, leading the way, but as the stepped into the house, he took a defensive stance in front of her. Cassie peaking around him, and saw Laurent coming down the stairs. Edward was ready to fight, as well, Bella already behind him.

"Wait! He came to warn us about James!" Carlisle said, coming between them.

Edward and Jasper gave the dark-skinned vampire a pointed look, as Cassie wrapped her arms around Jasper leaning into him.

"This isn't my fight." Laurent said to the four of them. "And I've grown tired of James' games. But he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred year. And the women, Victoria-don't underestimate her." Carlisle nodded as a thanks, knowing his two sons weren't going to respond. "I'm truly sorry for what's been unleashed here."

Nobody responded as he moved to leave. His eyes' met Cassie's, making Jasper move her to the other side of him. "I've had to fight our kind before." Jasper said, as everyone moved into the garage. "We're hard to kill." This made Cassie tense up next to him.

"But not impossible." Edward said back.

"We'll tear him apart with out hands, then burn the pieces." Emmett said, excitement in his voice.

Carlisle, however, did not share this excitement. "I don't relish killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James." He said, giving his son a scolding look.

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asked, as she sat on the counter. Cassie turned towards her, but everyone else decided to ignore her.

"Jasper and I will run the girls south while you lead the tracker away." Edward told Carlisle, only to have him shake his head.

"No. The tracker knows neither of you will leave the girls' side. He'll follow you."

"I'll go." Alice spoke up, seeing the looks of concern spread on the boys' face. "I'll drive them south...I'll keep them safe."

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward asked, demandingly, clearly not wanting Alice to share whatever she knew.

Alice nodded, and with reluctance, the vampire's let the girls go.

"Esme, Rosalie, put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella and Cassie's scent." Edward said, tossing the articles of clothing at the girls.

Rosalie caught the shirt and jacket, but didn't move. "Why should I?" She demanded. "What are they to me? Just danger you've both inflicted on us-" Before she could finish, Jasper cut her off.

"Hey! Watch it." He hissed.

"Rosalie." Carlisle said in a scolding tone. "They are with Jasper and Edward. They're apart of the family now. We protect family."

Clearly not happy about it, Rosalie took Cassie's clothes, and walked away to change into them. Jasper led Cassie over to Alice's car, opening the door for her.

"Be careful." He said.

"You too." Cassie responded, then looked over everyone. "All of you."

"We'll be fine. It's six against one." Jasper kissed her forehead, before allowing her to climb into the car, closing the door behind her.

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