VI. La Push

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Cassie sat next to Angela and Bella in Mike's Suburban near the water. She couldn't understand how people wanted to be near the water, much less surfing in the cold weather. If was cold outside, she knew the water was freezing.

"So, I keep thinking Eric is going to ask me to prom, then he just- Doesn't." Angela says, frowning, clearly hurt that Eric hasn't asked her.

"You should ask him." Bella said. "Take control. You're a strong, independent woman."

"I am?"

Cassie laughed. "Hell yeah you are. Plus, I think he will say yes."

"Bella!" An unfamiliar voice called. They all turned, and saw a taller guy running up towards them.

"Hey! Guys, this is my friend Jacob."

Cassie offered him a smile. "Hey. I'm Cassie." She said, extending her hand.

"You must be Daniel's daughter." He said, shaking her hand.

"That be me,"

"Hey, you guys should keep them company while we surf. Their dates bailed." Jessica said, Cassie noting the condescending tone in her voice.

"Date? What date?" Eric asked, not even attempting to hide the jealously in his voice.

"Bella invited Edward. And Cassie invited Jasper."

"You invited them?"

"Um, yeah. To be polite." Bella said. Cassie knew she was lying, but she would have said the same thing, so she kept her mouth shut.

"I think it's nice." Angela chimed in. "Nobody ever does."

"Yeah." Mike scoffed. "That's cause they're both freaks. They all are."

"You got that right." One of Jacob's friends added.

"You guys know them?" Cassie asked, intrigued.

The one who spoke faced her, eyes darkened. "The Cullens don't come here." There was an ominous tone as he spoke. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air, everyone unsure on what to say next.

Jessica changed the subject to the waves, the people who wanted to surf making their way to the water. Bella left with Jacob, leaving Cassie and Angela to talk amongst themselves.

"So, what's up with you and Jasper? I see the way you look at each other." Angela started.

Cassie frowned, biting her cheek. "I honestly don't know. He's hard to understand. One moment, it's all fine and dandy, the next, he's acting all distant."

Angela nodded. "For what it's worth, I've never seen him talk as much as he does around you. He probably doesn't know how to act around you." She joked.

Cassie chuckled, stealing a piece of Bella's twizzles. "Boys are dumb."

The rest of the group joined them, they finally decided to go home. Even though she felt frozen, Cassie was happy. It's been a while since she's truly felt this happy. It felt nice.


Daniel and Erica weren't home when Cassie arrived. Not even 10 minutes after getting home, Cassie phone rang, Bella's name on the screen.

"What's up?"

"Jacob told me about this tribe legend and Quileute. He told me something about the Cullens."

"What was it?"

"He said that supposedly, they descend from an enemy clan. They were called "The old ones". They were different than others of their kind, so the Quileutes made a peace treaty with them. And what's weirder is he said the Cullens now are the same ones that made this treaty with his ancestor that prevents them from coming on the reservation."

"That's impossible. Wouldn't they be dead by now?" Cassie questioned.

"That's the thing though. Jacob said that his tribe is suppose to be descended from wolves, making them werewolves. And the Cullens, are the "Cold ones". Their natural enemy."

"So they think the Cullens are vampires?"

"Yeah crazy huh?"


The sound of the door opening caught Cassie's attention.

"I have to go. Dad and Erica are here. See you later."

"See ya."

Cassie walked downstairs, and saw Daniel and Erica draping their coats onto the hook. Daniel said a quick hello, making his way up to the shower.

"Hey hun, how was your day?" Erica asked, walking into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Good. It was fun."

Erica hummed, grabbing some left over pork chops from the fridge. "How's school?"


"Any new friends?"

"I met one of Bella's friends, Jacob."

Erica nodded. "That's good."

Cassie watched her heat up the meat, her eyes drooping slightly.

"I'm going to go to bed. Night."

Erica waved, and Cassie descended up the stairs.


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