Chapter 1

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Miu's POV

It was like any other day, Miu grabbed his bag and head to school.

''Hey have you heard of that game?''

''What game?''

I got interested in their conversation so I continued to listen.

''The game that I told you before! Abyss End''

''Im not in the mood to play it though~''

''Its really good you can choose your routes on whoever you wanted to be with''

''Fine Ill go over to your house and play as long as you treat me with snacks ~ free food!''

An otome game huhI might as well try it then since school is almost over and I have nothing to do this summer break. Class ended, finally today is the last day of hell until the next 2 months. My friend came over to get me in the classroom for us to go home together, we always do this every day, hes my best friend since childhood and we always play together on summer breaks but he told me that they are going to have a vacation on summer break with his family this year.

We separated ways since his house is to the other direction, I checked my phone if there is any notifications as I was about to click on one I heard a loud beep I quickly looked where it was and there it wasthe truck that ended my life here on earth.

I couldn t feel anything.I didnt want my life to end like thisI dont want my bestfriend to know that Im deadI slowly drifted off and all I hear was murmuring and panic. I slightly showed off a smile, I saw that anime where youd look cool smiling when youre about to die.. Do I look cool right now? I let out a chuckle in my headOh yeah a truck am I gonna be reincarnated into another world? Cliché I couldnt feel anything anymore...This is it...This is where my life ends on earth.

I suddenly feel everything around meIt feels like Im floating? I can feel water around me, I was breathing just fine but when I opened my eyes I panicked and couldnt breath, I tried to reach out for the surface but its too far away and It feels like Im being pulled down by the water even deeper. What is happening. What is going on? SomeoneSave me

I sat up and gasped. I was panting heavily trying to catch up my breath. I thought that I died..Was all of that a dream?

I looked around but it wasnt my room instead a room that is made out of bamboo wood, Im laying down on the floor with a futon and a hard pillow and half of my body is covered with the blanket.

Im wearing an old white shirt and brown pants and it looks like they are poorly handmade.

I got up to get out of the room as I opened the door it instantly shows the outside worldThis is a really tiny house enough for me to sleep in, eat and store up my things. I saw a an old guy approaching me wearing a straw hat, patting my shoulder ''Young man you woke up late today did you sleep late last night? Its not good for your health'' The old man said with concern ''Ah no I just had a dream and oversleptmay ask I ask where I am? Am I still on earth?'' I asked. The old man laughed and shakes his head and sighed ''young man what are you talking about? what is earth? Were in the abyss end V''

Abyss end V? I think I heard of this I really reincarnated?? In a game?! This is gonna be exciting!

''So if were in Abyss end V does that mean theres IV, III, II and I?'' Are we like important since 5 is a really high number, Being Top 5 in our school is already soo great so why not here in this world?

''Yes of course, Abyss I is where the Lords live, Abyss II is where the Young Lords live, Abyss III is where the Nobles and those who are rich lives there while Abyss IV is where normal people are, they work for the nobles, well some are and we have Abyss V where we are living right now'' The old man said while playing with a thin straw in his mouth ''So what is the ranking of the Abyss V? And what is the ranking of VI?'' I asked. I know that this place looks so muddy and dirty, its a farm after all but from the looks of it the crops arent looking too well. We could still be important though.

The old man let out a laugh ''What are you talking? Did you become old instead of me? were the lowest rank, we are poor, just look around us now get back to work with those crop start working on the potato isle'' The old man patted my shoulder again and walked away.

''No..No this cant be! Does that mean Im just an NPC?! The lowest of the lowest NPC?! Im reincarnated into this world so why am I an NPC? its usually the one who are reincarnated are the most powerful ones? or wake up as the MC? This cant be.This is probably the worst reincarnation in the whole history!'' I screamed inside of my head.

I asked around where the potato isle are and I started on working. I have experiences of farming so it really isnt a problem.

This is a problem after all!!! These crops are soo bad, the soil here is soo bad! Is this supposed to be eaten??? Did that person eat this when I was still not reincarnated?! How can people eat this? Are we this poor??? This is soo troublesome!

I tried to fix it up as best as I could but its still bad, there were insects everywhere and you can rarely see a good crop. I sighed and just accepted this horrible fate. It was getting dark so that old man called me back to have a meal. The meal was very bad but I was really hungry so I didnt mind the taste and deal with it. I go back to my small cabin and went to sleep.

I guess this is how Im gonna live for the rest of my life till I die again.

AN:: Thank you for reading this story!! I hope you like it!!
I noticed that the '' didn't work so I have to work on to the other chapter to but it's really late right now TT TT so I have to do it tomorrow. I'm really sorry

Reincarnated as an NPC?! (bxb) (DISCONTINUED ROUTES) Where stories live. Discover now