Chapter 9.2

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(Part 2 of Chapter 9)

"So this is what a Human settlement looks like", Mused Dawn her gaze wondering from building to building and watching Blue Moon run about collecting usable materials such as Concrete and Scrap Metal, fortunately there seems to not be any human bodies or sighs of dead humans anywhere which could only mean that they were able to evacuate before the abyssals attacked, they must have taken most of the food as well seeing they have yet to encounter a building with food remaining in it's stores

"Dawn, it would be wise of us to also help on the collecting no?", Liberator asked peering inside a dilapidated house it's front roof collapsed and a meter wide hole blown out where the door presumably used to be 

"Yeah, hmm...I'll look over there!, we might find something cool to bring back", Dawn said pointing at an electronics store, not waiting for a reply she dashed off, soon she was out of sight

Sighing Liberator squared her shoulders and continued down the road with a purpose, keeping her eyes peeled for any useful items that may help her mother's cause

Walking around a burned a wreck of a car Liberator spotted a tipped over sign, turning her on her heels she quickly made her way over dodging craters and rubble alike, reaching the sign she bent down and brushed the writing clearing away dust a debris  

the sign reads

"Welcome to Nendo the largest of The Santa Cruz Islands", Below that is a map of an Island named Lata beside that is the Map of The whole of the Santa Cruz island chain

Smirking proudly at herself she picked up the sign and  muttered, "This might prove useful, It would be best if I bring this with me"


Constellation's Propeller spun as she avoided sandbars and low lying reefs, she sat at the tip of their loose formation Comet a dozen or so meters to her south-east dutifully following her sistership and Borealis sat directly opposite of her 

they finished surveying the shore of the Nendo island or that's what Liberator said the island's name is, and were on their way to the other island 66 km South-East of Santa Cruz Proper named Utupua, they were 45 minute into their trip and is now nearing the island 

"Are you sure this is the right place?, there was a battle here and but I can't even find any abyysals!", Borealis whined, an annoyed look on her face

"Maybe they got scared off by the attack?, from what we saw the Shipgirls won the battle, maybe they were ordered to retreat or just retreated themselves?", Comet pondered 

"Maybe...but still I'm bored!"

"Can you two please focus?, we're making landfall in a few minutes and you beaching yourselves into a coral reef or a sandbank would cause all of us problems", Constellation said dryly

"Geez Consty so uptight, I missed the frigate you instead of Cruiser you", Borealis said a teasing smirk plastered on her lips 

Constellation's face flushed crimson a retort failing to come out of her mouth, "W-what the hell does that supposed to mean!?, Y-you..., j-just shut up!"

the two sisters snickered at their flagship's expense before calming down and preparing for landing


"Ugh do we have to cross by land?, can't we just sail around?", complained Borealis while trying to scrub of leaves and mud stuck to her skin

"We're on an exploration mission Borealis, we need to explore, and going around the island could make us miss important details that are not can't see when sailing off shore", Constellation said as she chopped away at the dense foliage with her sword, "And besides it might be fun!"

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