2. I god of wine spills his wine

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Will POV

When she came to camp half-blood Percy looked rather horrified and I was too, once Chiron told me what happened. This girl became so angry that all the girls who were with her on a sleepover started going mad. Actually mad. When the son of Poseidon came to her, he saw a bunch of mortal girls stabbing themselves in the arms and burning cash. They were laughing while pulling their hair out and crying on the floor, mascara smudged on their faces. Throwing up and becoming skinnier and skinnier. They looked like they've been possessed. At least, that's what Percy told me when he handled me her.

We were sure that she was a demigod, but some things weren't right. She looked way older than 12, but no monsters were even in a 10-mile radius. Maybe she fought the monsters, but she didn't have any scars, except some on her neck. A bunch of small dots on the back. But no scars of claws, fangs, or anything like that. Angela, the girl who I worked with in the medicine wing, agreed with me to question her when she woke up.

Unlike every demigod I ever encountered, she didn't radiate any power. It was like she was helpless. No muscle, no scary face. She didn't even have any of the demigod traits. No grey eyes like Athena, no sandy hair like Hermes, no light like the Apollo kids, not even sea-green eyes like Percy's (which would be concerning). But she didn't look like any of the camp-kids. Maybe she was one of the minor gods' children. Since Jason started to plan new cabin's here and there, many of them became empty and honorary, cause gods didn't remember all their affairs. So, it may have been that she was an only child. Makes sense, right?

Then she woke up.


Angela POV

'Angela! She has awakened!' I storm into the hospital room and see the girl scrubbing her eyes. 'Where am I?' she asks while glancing at the room. 'You're in a safe space' answers Will. His eyes are so reassuring, that anyone would believe them. 'W-what happened?'. 'It's okay, none of it is your fault'. I walk towards her, and she turns her head. 'Listen kid' I say 'You did nothing wrong, believe 'im. They were no good, it wasn't your fault you were hurtin' 'em.' I smiled but her expression horrified even more. 'What do you mean hurting? I hurt them?' she grabbed her blanket and started to fidget it. I was afraid that it would become torn up, but by the glare of Will, I knew better than to say anything. 'M'sorry, kid, but you can't control 'em.'. She looked at me with daze. 'Control who?' 'Your powers', Will smiled 'Ever heard of Greek Mythology?'


Before we begin this whole story, let's make one thing straight. Xawyn Odetta, aka me, wasn't a demigod. I mean, that's just some made-up myth, right? The gods of Olympus don't exist and never existed, right? Well, if you think like that, apparently, you're wrong. I was wrong too, don't worry.

I stare horrified at the guy who was with me when I woke up. 'So, you're telling me that I have powers and such?' he looks tired, but I don't care. It's not every day that you are told you're a demigod. 'We've been sitting here for an hour, Xawyn. And yes, you have powers and such. The girls at your sleepover won't remember that you were even invited.' The mist...he already told me that. Will's eyelids were getting heavy. Ok, maybe I did push this for too long. The goth girl with Alabamian accent left ages ago. I think Will told me her name is Angela. I wanted to ask him, but he already was sleeping, half-sitting, half-laying on his chair, head on the windowcounter. I stood up and went to the door but stopped when I looked in the mirror. My brown hair was loose and hung around my shoulders. My hazel eyes were staring at my reflection. It would be a lie if I would say I was pretty, guess I was not an Aphrodite kid. I was a bit too skinny, and my tanned skin wasn't your perfect tan, girls would get at a sunbed salon. I had dark spots all over the place, freckles that stood out on my face even more because I had darker skin. I had stretch marks on my hip dips and acne at the back of my neck. I wanted to look at my acne and collected all my hair in a ponytail and looked. But something appeared there. It was a scar. Small dots all over the place. Like someone wanted to have all the dots at one place, which succeeded a bit considering the middle dot was the darkest and biggest one. But still, the person missed, and some dots were not successful. I shrugged my dots off and went to the door.


Xawyn opened the door and walked down the stairs to the big room. A boy and a girl sat there. The boy was telling her something, Xawyn guessed it was in Greek. He looked concerned and the girl who he was talking to was even more concerned. Then a centaur walked into the room. A centaur? Was Xawyn hallucinating? 'Oh, here you are Xawyn! Angela already told me that you were awake!' cheerfully baffled the centaur. 'I am Chiron.' 'The Chiron?' she asked. He nodded and went to the boy and the girl who already finished their conversation. 'Percy, can you tell me exactly what happened?' "Percy?" Xawyn thought. Will mentioned him a couple of times. For what she knew he survived a place named Tartarus. And defeated a woman and a man, named Gaea and Kronos.

'I don't know. Seriously. It was horrifying. More horrifying than not-having blue cookies, you know?' he shrugged 'Maybe you mean the dam blue cookies?' the girl asked, and the boy started laughing even more. The girl looked at Chiron and smiled 'I still have no clue what that means.' Chiron calmed Percy down and he continued. 'The girls were drowning themselves. They were burning cash and sticking fingers in their mouth to puke. It was seriously disturbing. It was like they were mad. And one of them was just sitting on the floor but she looked like she was enchanted my misery herself. She was muttering...horrible things.' He ended.

The room fell silent. 'Did I do that?' Xawyn asked. Percy looked at her and shook his head. 'You can't control your powers yet. That's why you are here. Maybe, you are a child of Dionysus. He is the god of madness after all.' Almost like Percy ordered it, Mr. D walked in. 'Ah, Dionysus!' cheered Chiron, 'We were just talking about you, do you recognize this child as your own?' he points at Xawyn, but she looked troubled. After all, she did have a mortal father. If of course, it was her father. Mr. D looked at her and his jaw dropped, together with his glass of wine. The pieces shattered with a sound; wine spilled on the floor.

He looked concerned at Chiron who didn't understand anything. 'W-what is it?'

'She is the lost child. She is her lost child'

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