[32] Panic [32]

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She needs to get out of the room. Y/N feels the walls closing in on her.

"Where are you going?" Someone else  asked concern still there. But accompanied by confusion. Y/N looked once more and the King was in front of the person.

This happened before. All this happened before. Those words were said in these same spaces when she ran away. He stood the same distance away. And she stood the same place on the wooden floor.

Why did she leave? She should stay. She can't leave. No one can leave. Why did she leave in the first place? Leaving only brought her harm. Y/N should never leave. Never go outside. Anyone could be outside.

Maybe she should check the windows for the fourth time.

Y/N seemed to forget the other person. Who talked to Dream with some sort of urgency, looking over to her with even more concern than normal.

"I don't know- she just-" The person she didn't know talked. Dream went over to her.

"Y/N? Hey- are you sure you okay?" His words came slow. Everything was slow. The moving of her hand to the door, pushing it down to see that she locked it. Of course, she locked it. She needs to go inside. Needs to check the window.

The footsteps were slow to her as she rattled the door. She needs to get in. Why is it locked? This door is never locked. She needs safety.

She needs to breathe.

She needs to check the god damn window.

"Hey- hey! You are going to hurt yourself-" He tried to gain her attention. Carefully taking her hands away from the door, restricting them. She can't move her hands. Why can't she move her hands? They are stuck. Why can't she-

"Look at me," One hand held her hands away from the door, the other-directed her head to him. Still trying to get her attention. Why can't she go into the room? Was he hiding someone? Why can't she move? Someone is behind her.

She feels a breath on the back of her neck. Y/N needs to check. But she can't, he has her head focused on him. Y/N isn't safe- she is never safe.

Y/N needs to go outside.

"What's wrong? You aren't okay- Y/N. Come on, breathe with me, okay?"  Dream still tried, breathing a deep breath and trying to make her copy.

How long was she breathing this fast? She needs to go outside- Tyler. Tyler is outside. She can't go outside. Tyler is watching her. Tyler is always watching her.

Her hands were still restricted, unable to move. Tyler held her like this- Tyler held her hands this tight. Tyler talked to her like this. Tyler is in front of her- she needs to get away. Y/N isn't safe,

"Woah!" He repeated as she struggled. "Y/N- darling are you okay?" He asked again, alarmed by her attempt to get away. "Hey" Was the new word he continued to say.

Everything still stayed slow. Tyler is there. Tyler is outside. Tyler is behind her. She needs to leave. Needs to get away from Tyler. Tyler is going to hurt her. Tyler is not safe. Tyler. Tyler. Tyler-

Dream is trying. He really is. But Y/N stays in her own head.

The person she hadn't met before stood, confused on how she could help the situation.

He lets her hands free, but she still can't move them. They are like bricks. And once she can move her head, Y/N does. Quickly looking behind her. No one is there.

How long has she been crying? How long has she been shaking? "Is it the voices again?" He tried, voice less quick and confused. More soft and careful. "Do you want me to get Techno? Phil? Wilbur? I'll get anyone."

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