"That poison should have killed them but it didn't," Merlin explained. "Almost like she wanted them alive to send a message. Which means the dark tower is most certainly a trap."

"It also means that's where she has Gwen," Arthur countered.

"And the fact that it's a trap?" Merlin inquired.

"Doesn't matter," Arthur replied. "It's Gwen. We have to try."

"In that case Arthur I do wonder if she'd stand a better chance if you knew of all the skills at your disposal," Merlin began. "I had planned to tell you the other day, but as we were interrupted."

Arthur couldn't begin to imagine what Merlin was on about, but he didn't say anything. Merlin seemed to believe whatever it was would help them save Gwen and that's all that mattered to him.

"I feel like I can finally tell you," Merlin began. "Now that you won't be faced with the choice of chopping my head off or breaking your own laws."

Arthur's brow furrowed. Even in the dark, he could sense how serious Merlin was.

"I have magic," Merlin said calmly, though there was a nervous edge to his voice Arthur had never heard there before. "And I use it for you, Arthur, even if you were unaware of it."

"Don't be ridiculous, Merlin," Arthur scoffed. "You aren't a sorcerer. I would know."

"Actually, I prefer the term warlock," Merlin replied.

"This is stupid," Arthur grumbled. "I'm going to try and get some sleep."

Just as he turned away from Merlin he heard a soft whispering sound and then he found his eyes fixed on the campfire. Soft sparks from the fire were rising up into the air and forming into the shape of a great dragon. It flapped its wings a few times then disappeared.

Stunned beyond belief, Arthur turned to stare at the man he thought he knew better than anyone. His first reaction was more instinct than thought. So many years of his father's words drilled into his head. Arthur took a step back from Merlin.

"I'm sorry I hid it from you for so long," Merlin continued. "Until now there just really wasn't any other way it could have been. I promised to help you get Gwen back and I intend to keep that promise."

"Making lights dance in the fire is one thing," Arthur countered. "But Morgana is on a whole other level."

"This won't be the first time I've faced Morgana," Merlin explained. "Trust me. I have more up my sleeve than fancy fire tricks."

Arthur almost couldn't believe his ears. It was one thing for Merlin to have magic, but quite another for him to be able to rival Morgana's magic — which he'd seen in action. Arthur just couldn't understand why someone so powerful would act so helpless.

"If you really are that strong, why pretend to be a servant?" Arthur asked. He was still standing a ways back, his mind stunned but trying to process what he was hearing.

"I have polished way too much armour to call myself a pretend servant," Merlin replied defensively.

"Okay, why be a servant then?"

"It's my destiny to serve you," Merlin replied. "As it has been since the day we met."

"I tried to take your head off with a mace," Arthur replied. He could remember it well.

"And I stopped you," Merlin added. "With magic."

"You cheated," Arthur said.

"Yeah well you were going to kill me," Merlin reminded him.

"Yeah I was," Arthur said softly. He could hardly remember the person he'd been back then. Without ever realizing it he'd changed so much and more to Merlin's credit than he'd ever admit out loud.

"Some men are born to plow fields, some live to be great physicians, others to be great kings. I was born to serve you, Arthur. And I'm proud of that. I wouldn't change a thing," Merlin said and Arthur could hear the pride in his voice.

"Lancelot knew," Merlin continued. "He figured it out when I used magic to enchant his spear that killed the griffin."

"Anyone else?" Arthur asked.

"Gaius," Merlin said. "My mother. That's it really. Well, except for the Druids and the leader of the Catha. Oh, and Kilgharrah."

"Sounds like there's a lot I need to catch up on," Arthur said slowly. "But right now all I can think about is Gwen."

It was true. Despite this rather overwhelming realization, Arthur couldn't really focus on the details right now, not with his Queen in such mortal danger.

"I know," Merlin said. "I'm sorry for telling you now. It was just that I thought going to such a magical place you are sure to need my help and if I can give it without hiding I believe it will be all the more effective."

Arthur nodded in acknowledgement and moved back to his sleeping spot by the fire. Despite the strange instinct deep inside that told him to fear Merlin's magic, Arthur knew he was in no danger. After all, Merlin had been at his side for almost ten years now. More than once he'd saved Arthur's life. With or without magic Merlin was an ally — or so he kept telling the angry voice inside.

Of course, this so perfectly explained Merlin's answer back when they'd faced the Disir. He'd known there were loyal and good magic users in Camelot because he was one of them!


What do you think of my second chapter? The events of the show after episode 05 are still going to happen but with the huge change of Arthur knowing about Merlin's magic and magic being legalized. I plan for this change to fix all the things wrong with the end of Merlin!


Sneak Peek Chapter 03

"She's a damsel in distress," Gwaine said by way of joining up. "I was born for this moment."

Then Arthur looked at Merlin. He didn't say anything, but there was something in his eyes. It was like he was asking permission to tell the others.

"If you aren't going to lob my head off then I feel certain they won't," Merlin smiled at his friend.

The knights looked confused until Arthur gestured to the fire and Merlin repeated the fire trick he'd shown the King last night.

When the glowing embers of the dragon faded once again, every eye was on Merlin.

"Someone's been lying to us a long time," Percival said.

"As I learned last night," Arthur added. At that every knight turned to look at the king as if for instructions.

"Merlin is with us," Arthur said. "He has made me a promise to help save the Queen and I believe he will honour it." With that Arthur indicated it was time to leave and every Knight gathered their swords and mounted their horse.

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