Chapter 24 - The knowledge of it all

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"Vampires?" I said shocked

"Where did you hear about the Cullens?" Embry said

"My dad, he's friends with Carlisle? I think his name is. Also he said my sister is there. Yes, she is a bitch but I don't want her dead" I said scared

"Will they kill her?" I said

"No they survive on animal blood not human blood" Jacob said

"They are blood suckers still" Paul said

"I don't want you going near them" Sam said

My other mates agreed

"Sam, guys, my sister is there. She is annoying them dad said." I said and smiled

"Just be careful okay?" Jared said

"We don't want you getting hurt" Quill said

"I know" I said and smiled

I put my babies in their bed. I went round hugging my mates and kissing them.

"If you feel at any moment you are in danger, you shift and attack or howl or you call us or scream or something okay?" Jacob said cupping my cheek

"I promise" I said and smiled

"Call us as soon as you get home so we know you are ok" Leah said and smiled

"Okay, I promise" I said and smiled and kissed her

I took my babies out to my car and settled them in and my mates followed.

"I will see you all soon" I said and smiled

"I love you" I said to them all and gave them all one more kiss

"We love you too" They said

I settled in my car and put my belt on and put the address in my satnav the one dad gave me. I started driving to the location. I turned the radio on and listened to my favourite song and eventually arrived. It was a beautiful house.

The whole house was beautiful, I loved everything about it. I was really nervous. I checked on my babies before I got out my car and locked it. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. I waited a few minutes and a beautiful man opened up the door. Not as attractive as my mates but still very attractive.

"Hi" I said and smiled

"Hello, you must be the wonderful daughter of Charlie, Tia. He told me you were coming. Please come in" He said and smiled

I walked in and breathed. God I am not excited to see Bella was my first thought. Here goes nothing. 

Recap over


I walked in and he smiled and shut the door behind me.

"I am Carlisle" He said

"Nice to meet you" I said

"You too, Charlie could never stop talking about you" He said

"I can imagine" I said laughing

"Sorry for Bella, how long has she been here?" I said

"A week" He said

"Its alright though" He said

"Well its not, she cant just stay here, she has her home with dad" I said

He smiled softly and we made our way upstairs. I walked upstirs and saw very beautiful people, six of them to be exact and then Bella.

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