Chapter 18 - She did what?

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Tia's pov

"Here hop on my back" Lucas said

I smiled and squealed and hopped on his back and he carried me in the house.

"He better keep those hands where we can see them" Jared growled in mindlink

"Otherwise someone is going to end up with a black eye at the end of the day" Paul growled

"Stop complaining you lot" I said back

"No he has his hands close to your ass" Embry said

"You are our mate" Quil said

"Stop it or I will do something" I said

"Oh princess try it" Leah said and smirked at me

"Try your worst" Jacob said

I thought I would annoy them and I put Lucas hands higher up and I saw Lucas and Ben smirk. They know what I was doing. Trying to make Paul jealous but in my case all my mates.

"Damn it Leah why'd you have to say anything?" Seth said

"Now she put his hands higher" Paul said

"Tia I suggest you move his hands lower or you are going to be punished later" Sam said

"Ooh kinky what are you going to do? Tie me up? I think I like that idea" I said and smirked at their lustful shocked faces

"You shouldn't have said that because now I have a lot of images and scenarios circling my head" Paul said

"How about this move his hands any higher and no kisses or hugs or cuddles for a week" Emily said 

"No, no I am sorry. I am not moving his hands but I will not move them any higher" I said

We walked into the house and I sat between Lucas and Ben. I leaned on Ben and held Lucas's hand. We sat down on the sofa as did everyone else.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Emily said to Lucas and Ben

"Please can I have a water?" Ben said

"Of course. Do you want anything?" Emily said to Lucas

"I'll have the same please" Lucas said

Emily walked off and I looked at her ass and spoke to her in mindlink.

"Damn what an ass. My ass" I said in mindlink to Emily

"All yours and Sam's Babygirl" She said and smiled

"So we have a lot to catch up on" Lucas said

"Ooh tell me about it" I said looking at them both

Emily came back with their water and handed it to them. They drunk it.

"Thank you" Lucas and Ben said to Emily

"Well it is around five so I will get started on dinner and we can all catch up till then how about you stay in here with Tia and the rest of us will stay in the kitchen?" Emily said

"That would be great thank you" Ben said to Emily

"But" Paul said

"You too you big baby" I said 

He smirked and looked at my mates and then back at me.

"All right" He said

The he turned me so he could see my mates and my back was to them and kissed me deeply and cupped my face. 

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