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"Thank god, oh thank god." Derek shoves his gun back into his holster running first into the dark room, only the light streaming through the door allowing him to see his boyfriend cowered in the corner of the room. "Spencer, hey." He goes down on his knees in front of him, hearing someone else walk in too. "I am gonna see if I can open those chains alright baby?"

Five days ago he had gone missing from the hotel, Derek had waited in their hotel rooms while Spencer wanted to just quickly grab a book from the gift-shop downstairs because he couldn't sleep.

"Can you talk to me?" He asks while Hotch uses his flashlight to shine along the chains to find how to resolve them. Spencer isn't tied close to the wall he could get up if he wanted to. "You recognize us?"

Terrified Spencer raises his shaking hand and with force grabs Hotch's wrist.

"Hey, hey hey! It's just Hotch. It's okay, it's alright baby."

"Spencer?" Hotch tries and Spencer let's go scopping further into the corner, he is only wearing pants, a few bruises spreading on his upper body. "We are gonna have to cut the chains, buddy."

"Go upstairs and find something we can do that with. Try keeping the number of people coming down here as low as possible."

"I will"

"We are gonna get you out of here, baby." He watches Spencer tapping a rhythm onto the floor, his head leaning onto his knee.

Hesitant Morgan reaches up to touch Spencer's head but before he can Spencer tries lunching forward,

"Okay, I won't touch you." He keeps his distance while they are alone, holding his tears back as he scans his boyfriend's body while Spencer rocks slightly back and forth, his finger making a circle motion on the floor. "Hotch is gonna help you with the chains okay?"

Spencer looks up to Hotch but then turns his head away while Morgan scoops closer again, holding his hand protectively over Spencer's head in case Hotch slips up with the pliers. "You are doing good, babyboy."

Spencer startles when Hotch gets through the first lock but then quickly reaches for his wirst getting out of the cuff. "That feels good doesn't it? We are gonna keep going so we can get you out of every single one of them okay?"

He nods and let's Morgan cover his head again, he seems to slowly understand that what is happening is real as he flaps his now free hand without the chains clattering against the floor while Hotch resolves the first chain on his leg and then takes the cuff of there, his heart arching when he feels how cold Spencer is. "Just two more chains, buddy."

"Move a bit so Hotch can get between the wall and you okay, baby?" Spencer does and to Morgan's surprise leans shyly against his chest in the process, taking Morgan's hand to cover his head again. "That's good, you are doing good. Can you hold your arm out for Hotch?"

When he doesn't, Hotch gently grabs his arm and pulls it away from his body so he can access the lock at his wrist easier while Spencer whimpers against Morgan's chest and flinches when the chains fall to the floor. "It's okay, buddy. I am gonna do the last one now." Hotch promises while Morgan frees Spencer's wrist from the thick metal and the moment he is completely free he wraps his arms around Morgan's neck, hiding his head against Morgan's neck, his legs wrapping around his waist and he starts sobbing against him, his body shaking, the painful noises so loud even JJ and Emily waiting outside can hear them. "Should I send the paramedics down?"

"No I will get him up" Morgan states rocking them back and forth, one arm wrapped around Spencer's waist the other is in his hair. Just holding him until the sobs quiet down and Spencer lays his head down on Morgan's shoulder, his breath brushing Morgan's neck as sniffles fill the room every now and then.

Gently Morgan reaches up and wipes the tears away, moving them both from side to side, giving Spencer the time he needs before he will be crowded by the others.

"You tell me when you are ready to get up alright?" Spencer nods and looks up to Morgan. "You need more time?"

He shakes his head and slowly climbs of Morgan but not taking his hand of him, gripping his shirt and leaving out a quiet whine when Morgan resolves the hand from his shirt. "It's okay, we are just gonna go upstairs. I am gonna be with you the whole time."

Helplessly Spencer reaches up for him and only now Morgan understands what he means and picks his boyfriend up, slowly carrying him up the stairs while Hotch walks behind them, his hand hovering inches away to make sure to catch them if they fall and is relieved when they step out into the sun and Morgan can place Spencer on the carrier. "It's gonna be okay"

Rossi steps in placing his sunglasses on Spencer's face when he realizes how much the sun must hurt him if he has been captured in a dark room for days and covers Spencer's ears with his hands shortly after while Derek informs the medics about the fact that under no circumstances Spencer can have narcotics and that he currently is nonverbal.

"I am here baby, this nice lady is going to take us to a hospital okay? I am gonna be with you this whole time." When Spencer nods he makes he motions for them to get Spencer into the ambulance while he sits down next to him, stroking his hair back while the medic starts checking the cuts on his arms out. "You are gonna be alright" Morgan whispers and leans down to him. "Can I kiss you?"

Without a second thought Spencer nods and Derek leans down completely, kissing him on the lips while a tear runs down his cheek. "You have no idea how afraid I was." The parametric smiles at the scene fondly while treating the wound, Derek letting his thump move up and down over Spencer cheek the whole ride, shielding him from seeing his own injuries to keep him calm, "Just for the record: I am never going to leave you out of sight. Not even to buy a book, you will never have a minute of peace without me again."

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