1. First Encounter

Start from the beginning

Three big men appear in front of me. They are all wearing black suits with the same indefinable expression. Shortly after, a taller man walks in. He appears to be about six-three. The first thing that catches my attention is the birthdate tattoo on his right arm. It stands out compared to his appearance, but not entirely. Dark golden brown hair. Mysterious gray eyes. He practically radiated egomaniac. Especially by the smug grin he had as he walked towards me.

"You didn't tell me she was pretty, Elijah." He says, turning to the man that brought me.

"My apologies, boss."

Ah, so this was that kind of thing. I should have realized when I noticed everyone had multiple guns on them.

"You know you just stopped me from saving a man's life, right?'" I ask

"That was the point.'' he responds with the same grin. This only angers me even more. I have just let a man die and now sitting in a warehouse with men fully loaded, and he is grinning.

"Okay, well, do you mind telling me why I'm here or are we going to stay and chit chat for a while?"

I can tell he is surprised at my comment. I would have been too. That is, of course, if I was a normal, mentally stable human being.

He doesn't respond, only stares at me and the anger only rises.

"Well, answer me, you son of a bitch!" I shout and I can see his expression change from smug to angry.

He gets up, pulls a gun from his back pocket, and points it to my temple. "Unless you want your pretty little head blown up, I insist you shut the hell up." He threatens.

I roll my eyes. "I've had multiple guns pointed at me. If you think one little hand gun like that is going to intimidate me, you're not as smart as you think, darling."

Despite the words coming out of my mouth, I was full on panicking on the inside and I had never had a gun pointed at me.

He looks at me for a second before signaling for his men to leave. Once they are gone, he grabs a chair and sits it in front of me. With the chair facing forward, he sits the opposite way. His arms propped up on the top of the chair as he analyzed me.

"I want you to be my fiance. No, it's not for real. I need you to be my pretend fiancee."

"Well, this certainly is one hell of a way to ask. What happened to, "Hello", "How are you?", "How was your day?". I reply sarcastically, thinking he is joking.

He stares at me with a blank look and my eyes go wide.

"Wait, you're actually being serious?" I look at him stunned, waiting for a response, but he doesn't answer.

He's actually serious right now. Unbelievable.

As hard as I try, I can't stop the laughter building up inside of me and before I know it, I am laughing hysterically.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I shout through laughter. "You do all of this and now you're asking me to be your pretend fiance. Unbelievable."

His jaw ticks and the anger is evident on his face.

"Is that a yes or a no?" is all he asks

"Do I have a choice?"

That stupid grin returns on his face as he responds, "Well of course you have a choice."

"In that case, no. Hell fucking no."

He gets up. "Then you are free to go."

"Just like that? You're just going to let me go?" I ask, completely surprised.

"Absolutely. You said no, why would I keep you?" He says, grin growing wider as he walks towards the door the three men went through.

I don't waste any time. I quickly get up from the chair and walk out of the warehouse. Wanting to get away from that place as soon as possible, I call a cab and thankfully it arrives quickly.


Is all that manages to form in my head. For some reason, I had a gut feeling this wasn't the end of this thing. Or maybe I was just still surprised about how fast he let me go.

I wonder what he needed a fiancee for? What could a man like that need a fiancee for? Especially a fake one.

The whole ride home, I had only one thing on my mind. And that was to see my daughter. I just wanted to forget about this whole thing and move on.

By the time I stepped in the house, it had gotten dark, so I figured Fiona had walked home herself since her school wasn't very far and she did it all the time.

"Fiona! I'm home!'' I shout, dropping my bag and taking my shoes off.

I don't hear a response and go to check in the kitchen. She is usually doing her homework there by now. Walking into the kitchen with a smile, I look around but see no one.

Maybe she's just in her room.

I walk in the direction of her room and call her again. "Fiona! Where are you, little girl!" I open her door and don't see her in there either. I then start to panic.

I begin searching around the house for her. The bathroom. Living room. My room. Even the closet in the hallway she likes to hide in. Nowhere.

Just as I look back in the kitchen, my phone begins to ring from inside my purse. I immediately reach for it just as the phone stops ringing and I receive a message from an unknown number. Clicking on it, I see it only has one attached image.

As soon as I click it, I turn furious. "Son of a bitch!" It is an image of Fiona, sitting in the exact same chair I was sitting in less than an hour ago.

I fucking knew it. I knew there was no way I could leave that easily.

Grabbing my purse, I throw my shoes on and rush out the door. There is a taxi nearby and I rush to it. That sick bastard had sent the address to the warehouse, so all I had to do was give the driver it.

My blood boiled as he drove. My legs couldn't stop shaking and my head was all over the place. But I needed to focus. I had one mission. And that was to get my daughter back before one of those assholes could do anything to her.

When we arrived at the warehouse, the door was pulled down unlike before, so I bang on it. It rolls up almost immediately.

"Oh god, I fucking hate you." I groan angrily as I walk in and see the man staring at me. He is sitting in the same position in the chair in front of Fiona, just as I was.

He grins, "So... will you be my fake fiancee, Diana?"


Hey lovelies!

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