Part 5/11

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Shano and the gang continue to march towards Rey's Pasta & pastries to deliver Ryku's sack of tab money. Scarlett still upset from their Encounter-meant with Keith speaks her mind to the group as she walks with her eyes closed.

Scarlett- "Keith is such a punk, I can't wait until you knock him down a peg or two, just look out for his fake left jab followed up by a head kick. He caught me with that and it was definitely his strongest move, even if he only tagged me five times in our fight."

Kendrick- "Well you guys are somewhat lucky compared to me at least, I was knocked out in the first round by that jerk. He was an animal!"

Shano and Scarlett both look at Kendrick and bust out laughing while Kendrick looking confused by the laughter gets a little grumpy and asks.

Kendrick- "What's so funny huh?! You guys think it's funny he beat me the way he did?! I swear he tried to kill me in that ring!"

Shano- "(hahaha) come on Kendrick let's be real you kinda beat yourself in that fight, as soon as the bell rang you charged him at full speed, used all your body weight to throw a punch at his face just to completely miss so then Keith used your momentum to grab your arm and judo tossed you out the ring causing a ring out. He didn't even break a sweat (haha)."

Kendrick forgetting how things truly played out in that fight starts scratching the back of his head while nervously laughing.

Kendrick- "(haha) well how was I supposed to predict a move like that huh?! Ehh whatever, if it was a sword duel I would have sliced him up real good!"

Kendrick's belly begins to loudly rumble as he continues to embarrass himself.

Kendrick- "(hehe) Well hopefully Ryku won't mind me adding a bit more to that tab of his huh (hehe)."

The group laughs some more together while they continue to stroll along, as the laughter settles down Shano starts up a conversation about Chris Richards.

Shano- "It's crazy to think Chris Richards is gonna be there to spectate this fight, that's a lot of pressure to be honest and a lot on the line, not just for me but us as a unit together."

Kendrick drooling while rubbing his belly as he thinks about pasta at the shop asks.

Kendrick- "Who is this Chris Richards guy anyways? Everyone always talks so highly about him, it's not like the guy's face is plaster all over the place."

Shano & Scarlett both stop causing Kendrick to stop as they both turn in his direction looking at Kendrick with surprised looks on their faces. Directly behind and above Kendrick is a massive billboard of Chris Richards and his "Gold for a Golden Future" campaign stands tall while Kendrick doesn't even notice it.

Kendrick- "Well.... who is the guy?"

Shano- "Chris Richards is the self proclaimed riches man on the planet and or potentially history. The guy has enough gold apparently to give everyone on this planet a million pounds each of it and he would still be the richest guy on the planet. He is always giving gold to Hospitals to cure children, using it to build retirement homes and always giving to the poor. He was nominated man of the year like five times and apparently he has a lot of respect for fighters."

Kendrick with a surprised look on his face busts in excitement!

Kendrick- "WOW! THATS AMAZING! And if you win, we will be rich! (Hahaha)"

Scarlett punches Kendrick in the gut causing him to lose his breath and fall to his knees. Scarlett looks down at Kendrick with a smile.

Scarlett- "Chill out Kendrick (haha) Shano and I already discussed it over and if either of us won the tournament the money would all go towards our Defenders Unit, not only that but Shano will also get a huge step forward with Chris's stamp for his squad book. Basically we will be considered a unit to be reckoned with and anyone who is anyone with a decent fighting background will want to join us."

Scarlett holds out her hand to help Kendrick up, Kendrick takes it and gets back on his feet holding his stomach in pain.

Kendrick- "That's fantastic and all but do you really gotta hit me every time you get a chance?"

Scarlett- "Oh come on Kendrick I'm just trying to toughen you up a bit (hahaha) if you wanna be in the Unit you need to start holding your own you know."

Kendrick gets mad and starts comedically yelling at her.


Shano laughs as he pats his friend on the shoulder while steam comes from Kendrick's head.

Shano- "It's okey Kendrick we would never leave you behind, you and Scarlett are my best friends."

While Shano smiles Kendrick starts to calms down as he notices something running up behind Shano, looking over his shoulder and sees Deku-Deku charging at full speed with his scythe and chain in his right hand. Kendrick quickly yells at Shano to move then pushes him really hard trying to get him out the way. As they both fall in slow motion in opposite directions of one another the bag around Shano's shoulder dangles in the air as Deku-Deku runs down the middle of them and uses his scythe to cut the bags straps and snatch it in mid air then continues to bolt off down the road. Scarlett quickly reacts to the situation and dashes off after Deku-Deku. Shano gets up off the ground and picks up Kendrick as they chase after Scarlett. Deku-Deku running past people and shoving them to get out his way takes a sharp turn into the alleyway, Scarlett also shoving through people cuts down the alleyway as well. Shano & Kendrick trying to keep up apologize to the crowd of people as they quickly turn down the alley as well. Scarlett just standing in place looking at a dead end confused as Shano and Kendrick catch up with Kendrick having a hard time breathing.

Kendrick- "Hey......(deep breath) Where...... (deep breath) did he go?!"

Scarlett & Shano confused while Shano also getting upset at the situation starts to stomp around in anger.

Shano- "Damnit! He seriously got away? But how?! He just stole all of Ryku's tab money, that was such a dirty move."

Then suddenly the bag drops behind them in middle of the alley, they turn around and Shano without hesitation runs to the cash. Scarlett attempts to stop him but fails in doing so, so instead she just calls out with a warning.

Scarlett- "Shano be careful! This could be a trap."

Shano gets to the bag and takes a knee as he goes to pick it up, Some of the gold fell out the bag, while Shano picks it up piece by piece he looks closely at a single shiny coin on the ground as he notices something moving in the reflection then suddenly Shano realizes in the reflection it's Deku-Deku jumping down from the stair rafters above with his scythe in hand coming down for an attack but Shano reacts and rolls out the way in the opposite direction from Scarlett and Kendrick as Deku-Deku slashes the bag of gold causing money to fly all over the place. Scarlett and Kendrick prepare to charge in to attack Deku-Deku but out of nowhere Kit & Kat come jumping from over the dead end wall landing in front of them ready to fight.

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