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Trigger Warning: Mentions of murder written in detail if you feel uncomfortable reading this please do not read my story, this story isn't suitable for audiences under the age of 18 as there are mature mentions throughout the entirety of this story.

I woke up the next morning heart heavy, all I could think about were my past mistakes. I must have been a very unpleasant friend to be around, if I were in their shoes I wouldn't blame them either for their opinion. If I remember correctly I used to be very wild to the point where I would use girls for sex and that was that but who doesn't do that? I used to love the idea of having girls tied up in my bed begging for me to enter them. It was so pleasurable for both parties to enjoy but the only bad thing about it was that these girls would all suddenly assume that they were my girlfriend. Honestly just because I show a girl my freaky side all of a sudden they think that I'm in love with them but I'm sorry to disappoint but I have only ever loved one girl who I think I will never see again, Jaelyn. 

I don't even know why I'm in love with her I treated her like absolute trash as if she never existed. I treated her like something that I could throw away and replace just like that but the reality of that whole persona that I had going on there was that I was already in love with her to the point where I didn't want to admit it so I decided to hurt her ultimately and cheat on her and made sure that she walked in on me doing it. I have no idea how I managed to get my pecker working that day anyway because I didn't even find Kiri attractive most slightly. I just slept with her to make Jaelyn jealous. It worked because Jaelyn ended up roundhouse kicking Kiri, it was one of those you had to be there moments. 

After that day I didn't see much of Jaelyn anymore it's as if she disappeared and only remained as a part of my memory. In all of these 10 years, I haven't seen her once that's why I think that she's only remained as a figment of my imagination. I became a murderer in the 10 years that have passed, that does tell you something doesn't it? 

I don't regret becoming a murderer though because in my eyes I'm doing the world a favor and eliminating the evil people off of the earth, it doesn't matter if I go to heaven or hell because I don't believe in either. Once I die am dead and there's nothing left after that just my corpse where you're free to do whatever you'd like to as it wouldn't matter because ultimately I'm already dead. Honestly, I don't think I will stop murdering people anytime soon because there's nothing there to stop me from doing so. I just love the thrill of it all you could say. 

I wonder what's come of Jaelyn she was so innocent and so beautiful so I'm sure that her life didn't turn out quite like mine. I wonder if she's married now if not then I wouldn't mind trying my luck the second time around. I don't think I would reveal to her that I'm a serial killer because that's not something you share at a possible rekindling with your ex though it is rather off-putting to people who aren't used to hearing that their ex is a serial killer. I wonder if she's made something out of her life at least and never trusted another idiot like me. I can't help but put all of the blame on myself that's why I started out killing people in the first place. It was the fact that I didn't realize how much hurt I had inflicted upon myself and my siblings and of course all of the females that I had used in my past and most importantly the fact that I drove Jaelyn away from me. You can call me a psychopath all you like but I already know that if I have murdered quite a few people already.

Kim Woo Jin, Jung Joon Young, and Lee Seungri are only a few people on my list that have earned themselves a place among my ceramic urn collections. You all know the reasoning behind why I murdered Woo Jin but do you want to hear the tales of Jung Joon Young and Lee Seungri? 

Well as a story goes once upon a time there was a young South Korean rockstar who started poor and made it out big in the world but as he kept rising in stardom his humanity began to start getting corrupt. He began using his fame as a sort of power over teenage girls promising to make them famous and star them as extras in his music videos however all Jung Joon Young done was sexually harass young teenage girls. They thought that if they showed him their body that it would guarantee them a spot in one of his music videos when in reality he was just filming them to become a part of his collection. It was clear that he had sold his soul to the devil because he was partaking in these devilish acts I just couldn't help but intervene, I did this world a favor with that scum who was once known as JJY because thanks to me there is one less pedophilic rapist in this world and Yuta lived happily ever after.

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