Chapter 11

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I guess even for the Uchiha clan it's natural to be embarrassed. Sakura lays her head on her palm and sighs. Naruto continues laughing at Sasuke embarrassed face. Kakashi just stares reading his book. I wouldn't say I did not feel spite towards Sasuke.

 It's natural to hate someone who murdered you.I have the faintest amount of this emotion that's why I'm only teasing him. "Sakura-chan! That was a good one! Teme is speechless!",Naruto says continuing to laugh. I make a small smile towards him. Naruto turns red.

I get up and stretch. "Okay so tomorrow is when we are having a survival test.", Kakashi said. I sigh and tune out. We then get up to have lunch. "Sakura-chan do you want to have lunch with me?", Naruto says grinning. 

I nod and we go have lunch together. I then get up to leave. My god my brain is going to explode from Naruto's blabbering. I sigh and go to sit on a bench. Then the supposed ' Sasuke' comes towards me. 

Good grief. This trick? "Hey Sakura! Your forehead looks so cute is makes me wanna kiss it.", 'Sasuke' says. I groan. " Just kidding that was something Naruto would've said.", he says correcting himself. He sits next to me. 

"Soon...Naruto what do you think of him.", 'Sasuke' says, I shrug. " Naruto is important to me.I admire him.", I say. He is important for my retirement plan.I admire his ability to get girls like Hinata. 

'Sasuke' looks speechless. That's when 'Sasuke' runs away excusing himself. The real Sasuke comes up to me awkwardly still embarrassed about the other day. "Where is  Naruto?", he says cheeks red. I shrug. 

Let me tease him a bit. He literally killed me so this could be my revenge.  " What do you want to put Naruto in your harem as well?", I say keeping a straight face. Sasuke looks green and looks at me with a horrified face. " Eh! What! Noo!", he said running to the bathroom. 

I sigh and walk away. Good grief. What a day.

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