Chapter 7

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I walked upstairs but when I passed Scott and Issacs room I heard crying.

I knew Scott said he would deal with Issac later but I couldn't leave him crying alone so I walked into the room. "Hey Issac" I said as I walked in. "Want Scott" he said "I know he won't be long" I replied and sat next to him on the bed. "I didn't mean to be rude I was just curious" he cried. "I know I know" I replied.

I wanted to hug him but me and Issac don't really get along the fact that he just spoke to me shows that he really does feel bad. "I want Scott please get Scott" he then cried out. "I promise he will be here soon" I said knowing Scott was dealing with Liam. "No Stiles please want him now please get him". I sighed knowing Issac was not going to calm down unless I brought Scott.

"Alright I'll be back" I said and walked out the room to Liams. I couldn't hear any spanking so I knocked on the door. "Come in" Scott's voice said. I walked in to see Liam and Theo cuddled up on the bed while Scott was sat next to Liam stoking His hair. "Umm Scott I need you for a minute" I said.

It's okay I saw Theo mouth to Scott. Once we were outside I said "Issac is beside himself crying out for you". Scott nodded "thanks for checking on him I know you don't get along". "No problem buddy" I replied.

I walked into mine and Issacs room and I was immediately met with Issac clinging to me crying. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" he repeated over and over. I picked him up and sat him on our bed.

"Issac listen to me I need you to calm down your going to make yourself sick" I said calmly. "But I'm sorry" he wailed and started hiccuping. "Issac please calm down" I said.

Now I was really starting to regret leaving Issac in our room for so long before I came I should have come to see him sooner he is working himself up for no reason and is going to make himself ill.

The only thing I could do to make him calm down is to use my alpha voice but I hate using it taking away his free will to make his online choices so I tried one more time. "Issac breath in and out slowly okay" I said but I got no reply except sobs.

"Issac stop crying and calm down" I said in a thundering voice. Issac immediately stopped crying and snuggled his head into my chest. "I'm sorry I had to do that but you were making your self sick" I whispered and kissed his head.

"I need you to punish me now i feel to guilty" I heard him whisper. I knew Issac was right and if I didn't punish him now he would start crying again and feel horrible from the guilt. "Alright over my lap 20 with my hand" I said and he nodded and climbed over.

"I know you know what you said was unacceptable so I will not lecture you okay" I said. "Yes sir" he whispered. I brought my leg over his knowing he will try to kick and said "Issac put your hands behind you back please". He did as I asked and with my non spanking hand I grabbed them pinning them to his back making him whine.

"Okay I'm starting now" I said. He nodded. I brought my arm up and hit it down on his ass 5 times in quick succession. I could hear Issac sniffing slightly but not yet full on crying. I laid down the next 5 hits and Issac started wiggling around over my lap.

"Issac Stop it" I said laying down a particularly hard hit which made him stop. "Just nine more love" I whispered. I decided to hit them all on his sitspots making him cry out on the last few and as soon as I was done I picked him up and laid him on our bed. "All done" I said wiping away the few tears that had fallen down his face.

"I'm sorry really sorry" he whispered. I know I replied and kissed him.

Hey guys two updates in one day aren't we lucky

As I said before please vote and comment it really does help me

Thanks xx

6/9/21 - Published
759 - Words

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