Nash's Arm

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I woke up at 6 and looked over at Nash to see if he was awake. Of course he wasn't. I got up and went to go shower. I blow dried my hair and got dressed in a shirt that said his wife, and jeans. After that, I curled my hair, did my make up with mascara and eye liner, and sprayed on some perfume. I got out and Nash was till asleep. Time to pull a prank on the boys.

I walked into the room next to us. I didn't want to scare Mahogany, Jenn, and Andrea, so I woke them up and told them about what I was gonna do.

"Let's just scream like fangirls?"

"Yea! They'll think we ARE fangirls." I said to Andrea. We huddled together and I counted down from 3.

"3... 2.... 1. OMG ITS THE MAGCON BOYS!!!!!!!!!"

"OH MY GOD THERE'S CAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"THERE'S SHAWN!!!!!!!"

"OH MY GOD ITS O2L!!!!!!!!!!!"


Everyone in the room jumped.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!! SECURITY!!!!!" Matt yelled.

"WHA-HUH!!!!!!!!! WHERE'S MY GUITAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Yelled Shawn.

"NO!!!!! NO AUTOGRAPHS!!!!!!!!!!! TMZ OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cam yelled. We started laughing.

"WAKE UP GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The boys groaned and they started waking up. The girls and I went next door to Nash.  I didn't feel like yelling at Nash.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NASH GRIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mahogany screamed.

"AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed the other girls

Nash screamed. He fell off the side of the bed. He groaned.

"Nash!!!!!!" I yelled. I ran over to him.

"Oww!" He moaned.

"Babe!! Are you ok!?" I tried to lift up his arm but he winced.

"No!! That hurts bad!"

Matt came in.

"Sup! You guys re- oh gee what happened?"

Nash groaned.

"I don't know! Mahogany, Jenn, and Andrea wanted to scare him and we did, and he screamed and fell off the bed." I explained woriedly.

Matt started laughing.

"WOW!!! HE'S SO- wait you guys are serious?"

"YES MATT!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"I'll get him." Matt went and picked up Nash bridal style.

"MATT!!! MY ARM!!!!!" Nash yelled. Matt went next door.

"Guys!! Clean up both rooms and pack up! Mahogany, pack Crystal's stuff too please? We're taking Nash to the hospital!"


Matt looked up a hospital in New York and found one not too far from us. We went in and got a nurse.

We were in a room and the nurse was looking at his arm.

"Can you move your arm at all sir?"


"Ok, we're gonna do some x-rays, and we'll see what's going on."

The nurse took Nash to go get x-rays done. A little while later, they were back.

"So right here, his bone is dislocated and broken. We're gonna have to pop it back in place and put a cast on him. His bone shifted to the left, so we need to push the bone to the right."

Nash and I winced in pain together.

"Ok, Mr. Grier hang tight." She started pushing on his arm.

"Ow ow ow ow! No No NO!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!" The nurse stopped.

"Nash we have to put your bone back in place."

"Have Crystal do it."


The nurse showed me how to pop it back in place.

"Ok go gently then put pressure on it." I started gently puhing on his arm, then started pushing on his arm with a little more pressure.

"Just chill, just chill just chill." Matt kept repeating. After 2 minutes later, I felt his bone go back in place."

"OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nash yelled.

My poor baby. Never scaring him again.

Nash got his cast on and we got back to the hotel.

"What time is it?" I asked Matt. He looked at his phone.


Me: Lox!! Where are you guys!?!?

Lox: At the airport!!! Plane is leaving in 5 minutes!!!!!!!

"THEY'RE AT THE AIRPORT!!!!!!!! PUNCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!" Matthew started driving faster. We got there in 3 minute. We all sped to the gang and threw our tickets at the lady again.

This is gonna be fun.


Hey guys!!!!! THANKS FOR 800 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR AWESOME GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys know what to do! love you! <3

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