Back To School

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I didn't bother to kiss back. I just couldn't I slightly pushed him back.

"Wha-" I stopped Nash from speaking and I rolled up my sleeves to show my cuts I made.

"Just dump m-me." I told Nash. His eyes widened. He quickly took my wrist and kissed my scars. I shrieked in pain.

"Promise me you'll never do this again."

"I promise Nash."


A few months later, we came back home. Just yesterday was Nash and I's 4 month anniversary. Life is ok, still trying to stay strong. I've been clean ever since the last time I cut on tour. I felt better with Nash, my life was complete. It was hard saying bye to the magcon boys and girl. They were my brothers, and Mahogany was my sister. Now today was school. Great. We had 2 more months until graduation. Finally out of high school. I woke up to my alarm going off. It was 6:30, and school starts at 7:30. Nash was next door, he couldn't sleep over because of his mom saying it was a school night. So, I picked out my outfit. I grabbed a crop top that said Obey with cheeta prints everywhere. Then I picked out my usual, skinny jeans. I curled my hair and did my makeup and grabbed a black snapback. Then I grabbed my black and white converse, and headed out the door with my binder, phone, and car keys. I went next door to see if Nash was ready. His mom said he just finished breakfast and he went to the car with me.

"You look gorgeous as always." Nash said winking at me then kissing me.

"Haha thanks."

Nobody at school knows we were both dating. Oh well. We got to the school, so Nash and I went to our lockers inside. Nash got his books, kissed me, and went upstairs to get ready for his first class. Few minutes later, I get slammed into mine.

"Welcome back pussy!!" June said.

"Get the hell away from me."

She slammed me into my lockers again, and my jacket got caught. I managed to pull away from it. June grabbed my wrists. She saw them. Fuck.

"OH MY GOD!!! SHE'S AN EMO FREAK!!!!" June shouted. Other people started laughing around me. She laughed at me and punched my face. I tasted blood. She busted my lip. She turned around laughing and walked away.

1st period flew by and Nash was with me for my next class. I was walking to my locker and I saw a rope hanging on it. A note was attached to my locker next to it.

Step 1: Find a tree

Step 2: grab a stool or climb the tree so your away from the ground

Step 3: tie rope onto branch

Step 4: attach other end of the rope to your neck. Tie it tightly

Step 5: Jump off the tree or stool.

Follow these steps. Go die bitch.

<3 June

That's it. I had to end my suffering. I thought about Nash, but I wanted to end my life.

No more pain.

No more suffering.

I grabbed the rope and threw the note in the trash. I snuck out the school doors and went to a tree where nobody could see me. I climbed the tree and tied the rope to my neck. I tied the other end to the branch.

This is it.

I took a deep breath and before I jumped, I heard Nash scream my name from a few inches away.

"CRYSTAL!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!"

His face was full of pain and his eyes were overflowing with tears. I looked at him.

"I love you Nash."

I jumped.



Hey guys!!! What's gonna happen to Crystal!? 0.0!! You guys know what to do!!!! Comment, Favorite, and Share!!!!!! Love you guys!!!!!!! <3

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