Party Disaster

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"Crystal!!" Nash shouted. I ran from Jc and hugged him tightly.
"EVERYONE LEAVE!!!!" I heard a man say. I recognize that voice.
"EVERYBODY LEAVE NOW!!! EXCEPT FOR THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE HERE AND NASH AND CRYSTAL!!!!!" I knew that voice. I look at Nash with scared eyes. He hugged me and kissed my head repeatedly.
"Let's go upstairs." he whispered to me quietly. We started going upstairs, but then a bullet hit the wall- a hair close to my face. Nash and I jumped. I didn't DARE to turn around.
"Oh your not going anywhere." he said. I swear I recognize that voice real well.
It hit me.
I knew who that was.
I was still facing the stairs with Nash next to me with his arms around me.
"David, what the fuck are you doing here, and what the fuck do you want." I said through gritted teeth.
"Aww babe. I missed you so much."
"I'm married David."
"Oh I know, to Nash of course."
Nash squeezed my hand real tight. I turned around and Nash did too.
"You got even more beautiful baby."
"Shut up David. You never liked me, and i'll never forgive you. You've done a lot to me in the past. This is my new future now. Just le-"
"You guys, OUT!!!" He yelled at the boys.
"No! Leave them the fuck alone and let me finish what I was saying!!!" He sighed and nodded.
"Anyway, just leave us alone. I'm stronger now, i'm not gonna be your punching bag anymore David. Can you at least put the gun down and listen for once. You need to know that life moves on, like I have. You can't just keep trying to chase me. I'm done, and i've been done. The past doesn't haunt me anymore." I held up Nash and I's hands with our rings on it.
"This shows i've moved on. This is my new life."
David looked at me, his eyes full of tears.
"The thing is Crystal, I can't move on."
We heard police sirens approaching.
"I'll always remember you." With that David pointed the gun to his heart and pulled the trigger.
"DAVID!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Nash's hand flew over his mouth. The boys yelled or did the same as Nash. Cameron went running outside. I didn't want him to do this!! Yea so what he's hurt me in the past, but that's history. You can't hold onto grudges. I ran to David and held his hand.
"I didn't want you to do this to yourself. I'll never forget you." I said. My eyes were full of tears and police barged in.
After I told them what happened Nash and I went home. I was still traumatized about what happened. Nash was comforting me throughout the whole night. Jc and the magcon boys kept texting and calling me. I told him I was ok.
"Nash, I just wanna sleep."
"Ok beautiful. Love you."
"I love you too." I mumbled, then I fell asleep.
Hey guys!! 💙💚💜❤️💛 sorry its so short!! I'm currently at the dentist for my sister 😂😂😜 but i'll upload again maybe!! Love you guys!!!! 😘😘😘😘❤️💜💚💙💛💕💖🌟

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