Chapter 23

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Amari sat at her desk staring out of her window at the seemingly endless forests of Tessara. Her bedroom door creaked open, and she turned to see her best friend, Nylian, walk inside. He closed the door and approached Amari suddenly.

"You need to leave Tessara. Tonight," He spoke forcefully and with urgency, as if he had seen death itself. Nylian hurried over to her chest of drawers and rummaged through, throwing some of Amari's clothes into a bag.

"What? Why?" Amari rose from her seat.

Nylian threw a glance at Amari. "You said you wanted to run away. This is your chance."

"Oh come on Nylian, I was only joking! I can't actually leave! I'm sixteen tomorrow, I have my ascension coming up and I spent all week working on that stupid speech I need to give to the village and-"

Nylian interrupted her by throwing the packed bag to Amari, and she caught it clumsily. "I overheard your parents talking about what they have planned for after your ascension. What they'll do to your mind... I'm not going to just smile and let it happen."

"What are you talking about? You're not making any sense? Did you hit your head?"

"They offered to make me a Royal!" Nylian yelled. The odd thing was, it almost sounded like the idea scared him.

Amari furrowed her brows. "You can't make a Freak into a Royal! It's natural selection!"

"That's why I'm worried." Nylian gave her a concerned look. "You need to run. And take Leo with you! He'll surely be next..."

"You're scaring me Nylian-"

"Please. Amari, listen to me." Nylian grabbed Amari by the shoulders and brought her close. "You're not safe here anymore," he whispered, as if worried someone might hear them. He stared deep into her eyes, and she finally realized he was dead serious.

That was the scariest part of the whole experience.

Amari stepped back, pulling her hands away from him. "W-where will I go?" She stuttered.

"Anywhere Freaks won't find you. The wasteland is your best shot," he explained.

"But I... I can't..." She started to cry, and her hands shook. "I-I don't know how to defend myself! W-What if a human-?"

Nylian brought her into a long, tight hug. He hugged her like it was the last hug they'd ever have.

Maybe it was.

"Don't be afraid. The humans are more afraid of you, than you are of them."

Amari collapsed to the ground as dark blood dripped from her nose and onto the dirt beneath her

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Amari collapsed to the ground as dark blood dripped from her nose and onto the dirt beneath her. She wanted to pretend she didn't know what was happening, but it didn't take a NEXUS scientist to put two and two together. Alisha had said that Leo had a virus in his body that slowly killed him, and now Amari was pretty sure she had the very same one running through her veins.

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