"Look, I cheated, and I accept my responsibility because of it...but when a girl came to me...saying that she was in love with me because of well, me, I- I jumped at the opportunity of having someone like that" I said, and I was starting to feel incredibly nervous about what my only friend would think of me now.

"You're saying again that Sofía didn't love you" she stated softly.

I sighed and stood up, I paced around the room until I was face to face with her again. "There's where most of the secrets that I can't tell you lie, I think we both loved each other, but it wasn't the same kind of love, it didn't have the same intensity...and we weren't right for each other as a couple" I paused. "I tried to end things with Sofía, I knew I could lose her forever if we continued dating...I tried, and she didn't let me" I ended, softly spilling the first and only secret I could tell to Miss. Montgomery right now.

That last sentence made Miss. Montgomery's mood change completely, one minute she was staring at me with a sad face an empathetic eye and now she was completely shocked.

"You what?" she asked, and I grinned at her adorable, confused face. "Don't you dare say a lame joke right now" she added, and my gin widened.

"Yes, I tried, I tried telling her everything about how my parents were constantly trying to get involved, how her friends were treating me...overall about how was I feeling...and she didn't let me...she always changed the subject and told me I was overreacting" I paused. "So I went to her friends, Nikki and Val for help...and instead of helping me, they throwed a party for me and Sofía, to 'reconciliate us'...in that party, it was when I met Karina" I ended.

Miss. Montgomery looked in complete shock, she wanted to speak but she didn't seem able to form words. This whole situation and the way she was behaving made me wonder if she and Sofía sometime got along, because for sure they didn't now.

"After a few weeks of the same...Karina confessed her feelings for me, and I cheated on Sofía with her" I ended, this was the worst part. I knew what I did, and I was incredibly sorry for it.

"I'd never cheat again" I said rapidly trying to fill the silence. "The problem is that nobody believes me now" I said sadly. "And that Sofía won't ever forgive me, and I've spent almost 3 years now only thinking of her...and now...I don't know what to do, I'm always going to be the cheater" I ended.

I closed my eyes, trying to think of more jokes or anything to say that could fill the silence. I wanted to make Miss. Montgomery laugh so she wouldn't focus on the fact that I was a cheater. Yes, was. Because I'd never do it again, doesn't matter how broken I feel.

"Kate" Miss. Montgomery called softly.

"Yes?" I asked in a whisper, looking at the floor.

"I believe you" she ended.

I rapidly went to look at her, and in her face, I couldn't see anything but honesty. Now I was the one speechless, I wanted to memorize her whole face, I wanted to memorize this whole moment.

Without giving her time to respond, I threw myself at her and hugged fiercely. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and she stumbled backwards a little but after a few seconds she chucked lightly and hugged me back. I smiled into the hug and closed my eyes as I held her tightly and let myself be held.

It wasn't until this very moment that I let all jokes aside and realized that I really wanted her in my life. Not only as the cool teacher with whom I have a good relationship, I really want her to be a person I'll go and invite to my birthday parties from today to 10 years from now on.

Maybe Sofía already made up her mind, maybe she really doesn't want me close, not as a friend and definitely not as a lover. I need to start making my peace with that, what being so caught up in Sofía made me lose opportunities to interact with amazing human beings as Miss. Montgomery?

I smiled into Miss. Montgomery floral scent, I held her a little tighter and she returned the gesture.

"Thank you" I said quietly, as I felt our embrace coming to an end.

But to my surprise, as soon as I was backing up a little, she pulled me into her once again. "Don't thank me" she said sweetly.


Hey guys! Let me know if you're liking the story so far! And if you liked this chapter, you would help me more than you might think by voting and sharing with friends! Also thanks to the people that comments, it's amazing to read your insights or jokes! Thank you for reading!

I'm not gonna lie...I forgot I was supposed to do a double update on Saturday, so here it is what I promised you, a little late but here it is! A double update today! Brianna and Sofía will get into the story as the time passes, but I really want to fully let you know who Kate is before we get to that.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora