"Luca is in critical condition," the nurse said, looking at a clipboard. "He has two stab wounds to both thighs, and we have counted over fourteen bruises, the most noticeable one also being above two broken ribs. We also believe he has a slight concussion. His blood loss from his stab wounds has put him into hypovolemic shock, which is contributing to his low heart rate and the period he had when he wasn't breathing."

"What?" Massimo said in absolute shock, looking at the man wielding no expression. "How can this be. . . ?"

"That's what we're asking you," the nurse said, looking back down at his clipboard. "We're trying the best we can to help him. At this point, we're fairly certain he can survive, as most of the damage is external. But this isn't from a trip over a rock. Evidence shows he was highly abused. We need answers."

"I- I don't know," Massimo stammered, trying to make sense of all this. "I'm not his father, he's just been staying with me for the past two weeks."

The nurse raised a brow. "Did this occur in the household?"

"What?" Massimo said dangerously, as he understood what the nurse was saying. "Luca hasn't been home the past two days, I didn't know where he was."

"What was the cause of him staying under your care?" the man asked, scribbling something under on his clipboard. "You said you haven't seen him until recently?"

Massimo nodded. "He's my daughter's. . . and my son's. . . best friend. I didn't know why he wanted to stay but I let him. I couldn't leave him out on the streets. I was trying to figure out where he was but-"

"So you have no idea?" the nurse asked. "Do your children know?"

Massimo buried his face into his hands as he shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe. I must ask them."

The nurse nodded. "That would be critical. We'll be calling the police soon, but we need to make sure Luca is safe first."

"How long will he need to be here?" Massimo asked, looking back at the door he came through, wishing he was with Luca once again. He couldn't imagine how terrified the poor boy must be to have come out of such a horrible situation, only to wake up in a strange environment just to be drugged again.

"Luca will be patched up before midnight," the nurse estimated. "But we're going to keep him here overnight to check on him and make sure his ribs are healing and his stitches don't get an infection. We also need to make sure his concussion is fully healed."

Massimo nodded solemnly as he tried to understand. How was it possible he had let Luca leave for two days without looking for him? How could he do that?

"We also need to locate Luca's parents or guardian," the nurse continued. "Seeing as Luca isn't fully. . . human, do you know if his parents are. . . like him?"

Massimo shook his head. "I have no idea. My- my son may."

"Good," the nurse said. "We suggest you go home and get information from your son and daughter if they have any. Luca won't be ready for visitors anytime soon."

Massimo shook his head. "Please let me see him. He doesn't need to be awake, I just, I want to make sure he's ok before I go."

The nurse shook his head. "He's technically still in surgery. We can call you once you're eligible to come. It may be another few hours. For now, please go see your children. They need you."

Massimo wasn't ashamed to let several tears roll out from under his bushy eyebrows. He couldn't- he couldn't understand. There was no word for how scared he was. For Luca, for Alberto, for Giulia. How could he have let this happen?

"I'll take you to the door," the nurse said, standing up from his chair.

Massimo wiped his eyes as he followed the nurse out of the office, passing by the double doors with round windows where Luca was being worked on. He paused to look through, even if it was just for a moment.

Both of Luca's thighs looked to be stitched, one seeming to wrap around almost half his upper thigh. Two nurses were bending over him, wiping away any additional blood. One was wiping his sides, chest and raising his arms while the other was cleaning the stitched area. The wet spots were teal and scaly, something the nurses were trying not to let get in their way. The doctor was looking between the machines keeping Luca alive, seemingly satisfied as what they were saying.

It made Massimo feel sick to see how pale Luca was as he took weak breaths, unaware of how much pain he would be in when he woke up.

"Senor Marcovaldo, this way," the nurse said sternly. "Luca will be ok."

Massimo nodded and reluctantly left the windows, following the nurse to the small front door that led to the alley outside the small clinic.

"Please just wait with your children," the nurse said, opening the door for Massimo. "And don't go to sleep. Expect a call from us a bit after midnight. We're doing our best."

"Grazie," Massimo said quietly as he walked out.

Now to find out who was responsible for hurting Luca. 

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