We'll Meet Again

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Matthew looked upon a world waking up to battle upon the rising sun. As he got to his position and parked his bike atop a hill, he could see for his own eyes. Kabul, a shadow of its former self, wreckaged and scorched by the battle that had taken place the day before. Smoke clouds cast above destroyed infrastructure and previously happy homes. Gunshots could be heard within the city and even outside to the north valleys. It was clear that this war wasn't just affecting the soldiers, but anyone who dared defy Pestilence and their plans, including the people of Afghanistan. 

Matthew clenched his fist as he saw the catastrophic sight. Seeing something he could have easily helped with, ruined to bits. He figured there was no point in beating himself up over it. He wasn't the one to blame, it was Pestilence. He had too many problems to deal with alone. Like the oil refinery right in front of him. Kabul Fuel and Petroleum. It was massive, as it really should have been for the capital city of Afghanistan. Oil refinery towers stretched high above the many pipes and buildings on the side of a small mountain. Matthew pulled out his binoculars while crouching down and looked towards the edge of the facility, to a part still in construction on an isolated part of a cliff. Pestilence soldiers spread apart looking out by the cliff and occasionally switching positions, either by still staying on the cliff or by returning within one of the buildings still in construction up the hill on the cliff. Matthew saw this and thought Pestilence was going overconfident, because they'd essentially weakened their biggest competitor. Their arrogance would be their downfall. He'd go to report exactly what he saw, this time on a new channel since he knew that Tenac would have their frequencies.

"Charles, I'm here at the refinery and we were right. Pestilence seems to have occupied this place."

"Do whatever you can to find out where their FOB is, Cade, by any means necessary. Not only is Lieutenant Haddock's life riding on it, but the fate of billions across the world. Burn the place down if you have to!" Charles exclaimed, which gave Matt a good idea. 

"Huh... Now there's a thought. And if you could, get any TECH Agents in the area to make sure no forces come in or out of this area, but not to move in on the refinery. I need to do this alone."

"Will do. Anything else?"

"...Give the Doc and your sister my thanks. And thank you, Charles. For everything."

"Ah, well... Just keep my gun safe and close, my friend. And good luck."


Matthew turned off his radio with a hearty but focused sigh, knowing full well this might be the last time ever talking to one of his friends. With his recon over, Matthew had to make his way to the base. He unzipped the gun case he'd brought with him and looked at the arsenal. He'd brought a Benelli M1014 from the base, all snug and equipped with a heavy duty suppressor and an ammo belt with ammo for his De Gauze. The Pestilence elites and brutes had the toughest kevlar he'd ever scene, similar to how EOD's wore so much armor to keep themselves safe from explosions. Additionally, he'd brought more det-discs, or the small explosive devices, which he originally planned for the main base once he got to it. He'd figure he'd use a different armament for it, however. He strapped the ammo belt right above his waist and began to load the shotgun with the slugs, first sliding one into the exit chamber before shoving the rest of the 5 into the lower tube. Matthew would also take the det-discs and place them on the ammo belt as well.

Matthew would put the shotgun on a sling around his hip and then slide down the short rocky hill he was on and walk behind a large boulder in front of him, watching the base and seeing that there were some  troopers overlooking the construction area on scaffoldings and the hilltops. Matthew would prone and go through a small muddy river to conceal himself, holding his breath as he relatively submerged himself through the shallow murky water and weeds. The guards above him were none the wiser as he reached the base of the mountain the refinery was on. However, this side of the mountain was too steep and smooth for him to climb on. Fortunately for him, he always thought ahead.

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