Beyond Borders

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     He was blinded by the white light of the room as he woke up. A shadow covering the light just barely enough to resemble an outline of a masculine figure. Matthew couldn't make it out until he rubbed his eyes and leaned up, before he realized he was in a unsettlingly white dorm, with little to no features on the furniture and household items. The only thing that separated the bland white from anything else was the black steel door, with an electronic locking mechanism  with a little blue console installed.

     The man remained still until Matthew woke up. He was wearing a black tactical suit like the ones who supposedly captured him, but it was different. It was more suited out with armor, looked more beaten up, and had assessories like a knife holster and visible dog tags hanging out. The man looked darker in skin color, and was bald. Matthew tried to reach for his sidearm, but he realized he was wearing different clothes as well. Just a black t-shirt, with generic sweatpants. What the hell had happened to him?

"Ease down, Cade." The man spoke out in a much grimmer voice then he had expected. "With instincts like that, you're more liable to get shot that way."

"Who are you, what do you want with me?" Matthew asked impatiently, before trying to stand up and hitting his head on the top of the bunk bed, before sitting back down with a "ow" and rubbing his head. The man stood stoically while he made a fool of himself.

"I'm Agent Tenac." He replied.

"What, no last name?"

"That is my last name. Listen closely, Cade. We only want to help. I get the feeling that I won't be able to explain it all to you, but I know someone that will."

"Explain it all to me? Are you even US forces? Show me identification!" Matthew asked, leaning back up and placing his hand back down. The man then took out something from one of his hip pouches. It was a badge, showing that he was a part of a US branch called... TECH. TECH?

"What.. What is TECH?"

"Tactical Espionage Command Headquarters. Like I said, I can't explain it all. You really need to talk to someone. Someone I know you're just.. Dying to meet." Tenac looked at the black steel door, through the little peephole. Matthew felt like he was in a prison, only worse. Tenac nodded towards it, before it opened with a large "Clank!" and the seal roared as it turned, before it was pushed open, and even more light peered into the room. Matthew was getting really annoyed with all these damn lights. A woman walked out with bright red hair, the color of blood. She was wearing more or a casual style, with some military aspects to it as well, like the grey camo coat she was wearing. And her eyes.. It was strangely familiar to him. No, no. It couldn't be.

"Agent, please leave the room." She asked in a brighter tone then Tenac. He looked at Matthew with a nod, before exiting the room and standing outside in the hallway. "Ugh, he could have closed the door.."

Matthew leaned up close to the woman, as she kneeled closer to him.

"S-Sam?" He asked, quite desperately, as his voice cracked mid word.

"Hey, Matthew. It's been a while." Sam lightly smiled before looking down at the floor, and up at Matthew.

"...Sam... You gotta tell me what the fuck is going on.." He said again, desperately. She sighed.

"Right, I knew you were going to say that.. Haha... Um, where to begin? Ask me something."

"Okay, how about, where have you been for 20 fuckin' years?"

"Training. Learning. Helping you from 'the shadows.'"

"Why? Why show yourself now?"

Her expression changed to a stern, and contempt one. "Because Pestilence attacked.. They nearly killed you, and.. Oh.. Poor Marcus.."

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