Start from the beginning

"And a splendid morning to you, too, bubs. I'm feeling horrible. Just absolutely horrible. I guess you were taking a shower and I had to wait for you to get done so I could fetch my purse out of there or I would've totally used the other bathrooms that are in the house," I started to explain to him. "As I was waiting, I replied to emails, text messages, and everything else which went hunky dory, then came Instagram. I saw Michael's mistress on my suggested and I decided to look through her page just to see what she posted or whatever and after my snooping had come to an end, I found this picture of the two.. They look genuinely happy," I finished as I managed to somehow and someway not cry.

Jon didn't say anything, but he did acknowledge what all I had said. He seemed truly upset about me and my situation. Now don't get me wrong, I know Michael and Jon are friends and I support that, I honest to God do support Jon and everything he does, has done, and will do forever and ever. I hope he knows that I would never ever steer him away from any of friends or anything along those lines. As long as he's happy, that's all I really care about.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl. You don't deserve that, at all. In my honest opinion, I was hoping you wouldn't get with him. I know that sounds mean, selfish and more, but damn if it ain't the truth. I want you to be happy and honestly, I know Hardy isn't goin' to do that for you. I mean literally, I haven't even seen a real big smile from you in so damn long. I hate that he's stealing your once true happiness. Let me tell ya, blue ain't your color. It really isn't," Jon finally spoke, his words speaking louder to me than ever before.

He really is right. Michael has been draining me, dragging me, and hurting me whole hell of a lot. He's causing me too much damage, like I don't have enough on and in me. Did I hate that Jon was and is right? Well, yes and no, but mainly no. Maybe I need to let go of me, Michael, us, and the memories. It isn't going to be an easy feat, but I think I'll be able to get through.. At least, that's what I'll be praying for.

Then I remembered what had happened last night as well, everything that Jon had done came and hit me in the feels. I couldn't and still can't believe has that type of hold on me. Not even Michael had ever touched me and made me feel that much. And that, to me, says a whole bunch. In my opinion, anyway.

"Oh, and Ash, do you have anything planned for today?" Jon asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist, his head crashing down to my shoulder. The wetness from his hair was getting me and my shirt soaking wet. Well, I guess he did take a shower.

I laughed as I playfully pushed him off of me. He also giggled and laid back on the bed. I shook my head and opened up the door that leads into the bathroom, "No. Probably sitting at home with Dolly and everything. Why do you ask?"

"Awesome. We're goin' out to have fun. No, no round two of The Tin Roof. I can't do that, at least for a long little while," Jon laughed. "And before you even ask, no, you can't know where we're headed. It's a surprise!"

I shook my head once more as I went to the bathroom so I could finally go and release my bladder. I've been needing to go for over an hour, or somewhere along that time. I am too excited to hang out with Jon for the second time in a row! Now this is something I could definitely get used to.


I ended up back at my place, and I decided that after my relaxing and soothing shower, I'd start to get my outfit created for whatever in the hell Jon had planned for the evening. I sure hope Michael doesn't ruin tonight like he did last night, or I might rip my hair out.

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