chapter 28

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mahito pov

as i trudged back in the direction of the train station, my mind began to wander. after all i knew it would be a long walk before i got back to the station. i felt a warm feeling in my chest as i watched y/n disappear at the turn. the feeling was one i didnt quite understand, but all i wanted to do now was see her again, even though we had just parted ways. i.. missed her.

i paused in my steps, trying to gather all the weird emotions flowing through me at once. i had had so much fun spending time with her and watching her smile just made me smile too. it was like my soul lit up every time i saw her. i wanted to be around y/n... all the time. and slowly i began to hesitantly grasp the concept that maybe i liked her.

love. it was a human emotion i never quite understood, as a curse that stemmed from human hate, it was quite hard to understand the complete opposite. from google, love was an intense feeling of deep affection and somehow i knew exactly that that it was what i was feeling. i always saw it on tv, when two people would fall in love with each other, they would hug and kiss and then get married or something... and they would dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to one another. but at the same time, some relationships never worked out, and they would end halfway.

and somehow, that thought alone scared me... i couldnt imagine myself losing y/n now... not after all the fun and smiles we shared together. i sighed as i dragged my feet on the gravel roads. even then i was a curse... could a curse even fall in love and be in a relationship with a human... how would that even work.... and it wasnt like y/n felt the same way for me.

suddenly the warm fire within me began to waver... i couldnt possibly be falling for her... it wouldnt work out... and i would only just get hurt... and falling in love with a jujutsu sorcerer would put y/n at risk too. why was it so complicated ? i heaved... walking back as more negative thoughts flooded my mind. but it was evident at the way my chest was tugging at me... i liked y/n... i liked y/n so much.

y/n pov
as you arrived back at the jujutsu tech campus, you quickly ran straight for senjuro's dorm room and you knocked on his door hard. your excitement was brewing in you and you almost couldnt contain it any longer. quickly, senjuro opened the door and he looked like he had already grabbed all his relevant materials.

"i got your text, let's go to the lab right now and test it out" senjuro said with a wide smile on his face as he closed the door behind him. the two of you brisked to the labs and you pulled the two zip lock bags out of your pocket, revealing one bag with a few purple flowers and another with the rocks with purple specks.

senjuro's eyes widened as you entered the lab, and laid out the specimens on the table. you explained to senjuro how you had found them in a beach and how the rocks seemed to be sedimentary rocks from a few hundred years ago which you judged from fhe many rock layers present. "also it was when i encountered a curse there... and it seemed to be allergic ? or something to the flower. not to the rocks but to the flower for some reason" you explained and senjuro nodded. you recalled how nauseous mahito had looked and your heart sank a little, feeling bad that he had fallen ill like that.

senjuro grabbed a mallet and a microscope slide and  began to smash the rocks into tiny pieces before trying to extract a particularly purple section before grinding it up with a mortar and pestle and placing the fine bits onto the slide before sliding it under a microscope.

on the other hand you began to soak the purple flower petals in ethanol solution to remove it's purple colouring. as you watched the petal decolourise and the solution turn a bright purple, you poured it onto a microscope slide and slid it under another microscope.

as the two of you peered into the scopes, both your eyes widened. the chemical structure it showed seemed to be relatively similar as what hj was described to be. you looked up at senjuro and so did he and it was like the solution you had been looking for had finally come to light. of course the two of you would need to do more tests on it to make sure it was actually the hj element and why the flower had caused mahito to have such a reaction.

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