chapter 13.5

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info card on all the powers

yellow and grey flash - strong wound usually able to exorcise weaker first grades and below
--> electrical shock that kills cells (rate depends on user and the grade of the curse)
the sorcerer can determine it's strongest point of impact (requires the gene which you have)

warm and orange ball - healing, repairs damaged cells but in turn takes up cursed energy from the user. it takes away less energy from the user if the user is healing a curse, since there is little conversion required. painless and feels like a warm hug as it regenerates cells. depending on the cursed energy available, it can heal severed limbs or create new organs. cannot be used on oneself (can be learnt but requires extreme concentration)

warm red and orange energy - modified healing due to the orange serum which allows for healing of souls such that they return to their original state. one syringe worth can only be used to heal one being.

red energy (can be known as volcanic bombs) -- sends a wave of a burning session through the prey

yellow cursed energy - less intense version of the yellow and gray flash curse serum

purple cursed energy - dangerous when used by a curse, they can stop organs and burst cells.

platinum blue cursed energy - when cursed energy is channeled to the eyes to see souls. ( this power must be trained; you are able to do so because of your intense research on souls)

*any cursed energy in a warm tone is used for healing

*any dark coloured energy is used for offensive power

*any neutral bright colours are tools for oneself (defensive or just to intensify ones senses)

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