chapter 18

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y/n pov

you dried yourself off after the warm shower, almost washing away all the fatigue from the fight earlier. you sighed, slipping on a comfortable hoodie and shorts before stepping out of the bathroom and tossing your uniform into the laundry basket. you sat on your bed, stretching your arms widely as you grabbed your phone and stared at your unread messages. you opened up youtube and watched a good view funny cat videos before pulling yourself up and deciding to get productive.

you were leaving to hokkaido in just over a weeks time and you wanted to try and finalise your research on turning curses human. your mind wandered a little to the thought of mahito, you really wanted to help him. you smiled a little as you pulled up the notes on your tablet. you stared at the equations and rewrote them onto a sheet of paper, reviewing what each compound and element would add. slowly you were beginning to perfect it. you had tried it one more time yesterday before the fight and your fly curse managed to turn human enough. it possessed all the qualities of a human in terms of organs, looks and almost the blood type. it's intellect was similar, the only problem left was that it was artificial and all you needed was the hj element.

you peered up to the wall infront of you, hopeful that the school in hokkaido might help advance your research in looking for this rare element and making sure your product was ethical and came with no consequences. you nodded before suddenly hearing a loud growl come from your tummy. you pondered, you guessed it was probably because you hadnt eaten in 8 hours. you got out of your seat and neatened up your table, placing your tablet and papers to the side before grabbing your phone and stepping out of the door.

you toddled over to the cafeteria to get some shepherds pie that you had been long awaiting for, walking in to see itadori and junpei sitting together at a table and fushiguro sitting at another with nobara. junpei seemed a little shy and you guessed that's why he and itadori weren't sitting with the others. you walked up to junpei and flashed him a kind smile.

"hey how are you doing?" you asked and junpei looked up and gave you a weak smile, you could tell he was still traumatised, hopefully itadori was doing a good job and comforting him. the two of them seemed close and you were thankful that junpei wasnt alone through this. a small part of your heart felt fond of junpei, he deserved none of it. you patted junpei's head lightly earning a little squeak from him before moving your hand to violently mess up itadori's hair. "SENPAI!" itadori groaned as he moved to fix his hair. you laughed before walking over to the counter to purchase your long awaited shepherds pie. you glanced around, remembering that your batchmates were out of town on a mission so you were stuck with all the juniors now. you walked over to nobara and fushiguro's table, plopping yourself down with them as you began to devour your pie.

soon you were done with your meal and you bid farewell to megumi, nobara as well as itadori and junpei. you trotted back to your room, deciding to browse through your research materials again. you had also been working on a way to improve your healing serums, one that could make it more efficient as well as a dose that would allow you to heal more at once without tiring yourself out. you pushed your dorm room door open and plopped yourself onto your seat, grabbing your notebooks with your previous notes. after a good 15 minutes, you felt your eyes growing a little tired. you had done so much physical activity today as well as so much research. maybe you deserved a break from the work.

you set your work aside, before getting on your bed as you pulled out your phone to watch some youtube videos. your eyes slowly grew tired and you felt them close gently as if pulling you into a gentle slumber. suddenly, you heard shuffling by your bedside, causing your eyes to shoot wide open. you squinted, peering around to see where the sound was coming from. to your surprise, you found yourself looking directly at the familiar face you had just seen not too long ago.

you sat up and cocked your head, "what are you doing here ? you're gonna get caught" you said with concern as mahito looked at you shyly. he looked at you nervously as his mouth slowly opened, "i-i wanted to t-talk to you" he said as his voice shook and your eyes widened but decided to nod.

"sure ! but let's go out somewhere. if you stay here any longer you might get caught really bad" you said as you lugged yourself off the bed before pushing open your balcony window before leading mahito to jump out with you so as to sneak out of the school compound. you shook your head. jujutsu tech was the worst place for a curse to be... because almost everyone there would be able to see them.

the two of you quietly snuck out of the school gates, thankfully the guard was nowhere to be seen and you and mahito walked towards a nearby park. you smiled at him gently, still seeing the nervous expression plastered on his face since the afternoon. mahito walked next to you quietly before the two of you found a bench in the park. a quiet spot for you guys to talk. you sat down next to the special grade as he began to fiddle with his fingers.

"so what did you want to tell me?" you said gently and the special grade inhaled before stuttering out.

"i-im sorry... i didnt mean to hurt junpei or anyone... i know it sounds like some shitty lie but i really didnt. y-you said earlier that you thought i was being manipulated by something and i guess i didnt have the heart to tell you that i r-really was..." he began and your heart fell a little as you watched mahito opened up to you so easily despite how scared he was. the way he was showing you his vulnerable side. you hummed before mahito continued.

"i-im a curse, so you know im powered and given life through cursed energy... specifically hatred between humans... and that's probably one of the highest levels of cursed energy i guess... so the cursed energy within me is always overflowing... to the point where it's sometimes overwhelming and it begins to control me. cursed energy is the root of all evil, and with it controlling me... i become... that... what you saw earlier." he croaked as you noticed tears well up in his eyes as they shone in the moonlight.

"when that happens, i dont remember anything... and i just have to satisfy those cravings... but... but i really dont want to. i dont want to hurt people, im just so afraid of dying... dying because im a curse and because my purpose is to kill others" mahito began to sob and you watched as tears fell out of his orbs gently, each tear filled with sadness. your chest panged and you raised your palm gently to rub his back.

he didnt deserve any of this. poor thing was manipulated by cursed energy from humans... there was nothing he could do about it.. yet all he wanted was to survive. curses were said to be the root of all evil right ? but maybe it was humans. humans were born with fear and hatred, there was no such thing as a saint on this planet. and curses were just created by the accumulations of such negativity. curses were manipulated by the cursed energy... from humans. you sighed as you felt your eyes begin to water, you wanted to help him so bad.

"i- i know you dont believe me bu-" he began but you immediately interrupted him.

"i do believe you, i believe every single word coming our of your mouth" you said firmly, giving mahito reassurance that you once again were on his side. mahito wept and you leaned in towards him, wrapping your arms around him, giving him the first hug he probably ever received. warmth surged through the curses's body and he felt rejuvenated.

"t-thank you y/n... thank you for trusting me and thank you for letting me trust you... i dont know what i'd be doing now if i hadnt met you." mahito sobbed as you ran your fingers through his soft locks. a weak smile fell on your face as you stared into the distance.

deep down in mahito he just wanted to stay by your side. no one had ever treated him like that and he was incredibly grateful.

after a while, mahito pulled away and looked at you softly. "the jigoku cult is the same... they just want to survive... they dont care about the race of curses..." mahito began and you nodded. you obviously knew of this already, but hearing it from mahito sounded like a confirmation. you looked at him and smiled. just like nanami had said, he was like a child.

a/n: SORRY FOR THE WAIT ! hope u enjoy :)

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