chapter 19

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y/n pov

you sat by mahito in silence for a while more, both taking in the park scenery before you as you idled in your thoughts. you were more than set on your goals, you were going to help mahito. whether or not he was a curse, your heart burned with care and passion for him. this time you would prove your dedication once again to your research. you nodded to yourself as you briefly turned to see mahito now staring down at his hands.

"hey" you said as you poked his arm cheekily. maybe it was that mahito was finding comfort in being with you as he immediately crossed his arms and squinted his eyes, before wrapping his arm around your neck, play strangling you. you chuckled as you pulled his strong arm off your neck. if any other jujutsu sorcerer was present, they would immediately be on the defense and even attack the curse, but you knew he was being playful and all you could do was be happy he was back to his usual self.

after you punched at him to let go, mahito finally let go of you before you huffed. mahito was a little taken a back, a hand lifted to scratch the back of his neck as he looked at you hesitantly, "that... was okay right?" your eyes widened at his sudden statement and you eyebrows furrowed before jabbing mahito hard in the side. he yelped before he grew another limb unbeknownst to you to do the same, jabbing you in the side too. you laughed. slowly time came back to you and you peered at your phone screen, "it's quite late huh, i have something to work on" you said as you looked at mahito.

"what do you have to work on?" he asked a little salty that you were going to leave him for your work. "something" you said plainly. no one knew about it, only you, gojo and itadori were aware. mahito scowled before his expression changed, "oooHhh is it something for mee?" he squealed and you rolled your eyes.

"it's jujutsu sorcerer work and im researching on something" you replied as you stood up from the bench while mahito followed suit. mahito gave up and walked by you, "can i walk you back?" he asked, the inner child in him seeping out through the cracks once again.

"you. are. gonna. get. caught." you squinted as you shooed him. you paused, you behave and  do this with any of your friends and you hoped mahito got it. you had gotten quite acquainted with mahito's sudden playful informality and you hoped he got the memo that you were fine with him too.

thankfully, mahito growled before he ran towards you with his arms wide open, hoping for another warm hug like the one you gave him earlier. having a human as a friend was a new experience, someone he could be himself with and have fun with normally. you giggled before opening your arms to him as well, letting the both of you wrap your arms around each other.

"you're such a child" you said through his shoulder and he hummed sounding offended. "huuhhh what do you mean" he asked and you laughed into the hug. "one moment you're crying like a baby and another you're being so playful" you commented and mahito huffed before giving in to your statement. he just wanted to hug you. you patted his head, trying to let go before the hug got too long and mahito would stick permanently to you.

as the two of you let go, you waved at mahito before the two of you part ways. a strong feeling in both your chests that you would 100% see each other again. of course mahito would come find you. you paced back towards jujutsu tech, pondering on how else you could help mahito. as of now you were on track with your serum to turn curses human and you just needed the hj element which you could hopefully find in hokkaido.

as you stepped into the campus once again, you walked through the corridors, admiring the stone statues you always failed to pay attention to. you would be leaving this place for awhile soon, and you figured you'd miss it.

"y/n!" you heard gojo's familiar voice and you looked to the sound and smiled, seeing gojo walking towards you with a wide grin plastered on his face. "how's the research coming along? i told the staff of the research faculty in hokkaido jujutsu tech about your plan to turn curses human, one of them was quite interested so he'd definitely love to mentor you!" gojo delivered the exciting news, brightening the night even further.

you had gotten approval from another ! you smiled and thanked gojo, updating him a little on your progress before a yawn slipped out. "im quite tired im gonna knock off now" you said as you tried to stifle another yawn. gojo nodded before calling out to you once more,

"let's go on a food tour tomorrow!" he said excitedly, knowing you were one to share his keen sense of adventure especially with food and it would be a great opportunity to hear more about your research as well as bond with his 'favourite' student. you nodded, agreeing you deserved a break before turning back to walk to your dorm room to crash on your bed.

mahito pov

as i reached the hideout once again, i walked towards the hot springs. the sky was dark and jogo and geto had lit a fire while i sunk into the hot springs once again, letting it warm up my body as i enjoyed the comfort.

"where did you go?" jogo asked as he walked towards me.

"oh i went to run some errands" i said casually trying to give off zero suspicion. "anyway how's the plan going" i asked with a hint of mischief in my voice. geto nodded before telling me their plan.

turns out the two of them were planning to ambush gojo satoru tomorrow, possibly being able to disable him and keep him under wraps. i cackled upon hearing their plan, however my chest was still warm and fuzzy from my time with y/n. as the conversation died out, i stared up at the night sky, letting out a gentle smile as i thought about y/n. i knew she was comfortable with me and i couldnt help but chuckle at her playful side. i rubbed my side, still getting jitters from the jab she gave me. i smiled before sinking down into the water letting it soak me completely.


y/n pov
as you pulled yourself awake, letting the fatigue leave your body with a long stretch. you finally pulled yourself off your bed as you stumbled towards the bathroom. gojo said he would meet you in the campus lobby at 11am and god had you slept in to 10:55am before realising you would be late. you brushed your teeth quickly and washed up, throwing on a decent enough outfit before you grabbed your half charged phone and your other belongings before dashing out the door.

you sprinted quickly to the lobby, reaching there so fast you couldnt even describe it. you gazed around, gojo sensei was nowhere to be found. you sighed, pulling out your phone to see a message from gojo himself.

g: oops y/n chan i just woke up
g: give me 15 minutes

you rolled your eyes. you should've taken your time.

a/n: sorry for the wait !! i hope u enjoy it! i'll try to update the next part asap :)) have a gr8 day

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