chapter 4

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mahito pov

there was an infamous cult, the jigoku (means hell in japanese) cult. it was a gang of curses, which drew their negative energy from human emotions. similar to me but it was of smaller issues, such as small cases in which people usually bare no grudge towards. this made them very vulnerable and easy to manipulate due to their fluctuations in cursed energy.

the jigoku cult may be a bunch of curses, but they didnt care too much about anything and we didn't associate ourselves with them, nor did they associate themselves with us. you could say they were rogue curses and didnt care about reviving the race of curses. it seemed selfish but it was for their own survival, we didnt bother with them.

the leader of the cult was a guy names yorupo, he was a special grade and used to be one of us until he left. he was powerful when at full power, but the most vulnerable at his least. needless to say, he knew when to attack and when to take cover. others would say he was a coward but he was the longest standing curse of that type, making him the respected leader of that cult.

the jigoku cult was dangerous to humans,

just like how any other curse would be labelled.

i gulped. i knew there was nothing that i could do about it but sometimes i felt like i could relate to the jigoku cult.

their aim was just to survive, regardless how they did it. they had no care about the curse race. i had heard from someone before, that some of them were scared... scared because humans were always out to kill them, they were always prey.

my heart thumped, knowing fair well that i too had the same fears.

i just wanted to live a normal life and not have to constantly attack others so as to defend myself. i envied humans, there were positive emotions like affection and compassion. but as a curse we only thrived on negativity. you could say negativity was what gave us the strong cursed energy we had.

cursed energy and negative emotions manipulated us, we had to kill humans to survive and to help our race survive. it was like a drug, it made us high and filled with murderous spirit.

i gulped as i broke out of my daze and back up to the building i was now standing infront of. i was now pretty sure the jigoku cult was inside the building. y/n was going in alone? at night? my heart raced. even if she could take down a special grade with the same way she struck me down, there was no way that she could defend herself against all of them, even if they were all in their most vulnerable state. there were around 40 members and if all were present she might be dead.

i peered at the energy radiating, it was strong, they were probably all in almost perfect shape. yorupo was definitely in good shape. concern rose in me as i watched the front door close. she was in the domain... and she was vulnerable to all their attacks now

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