chapter 6

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Liliana POV;

Gosh, he was so perfect and he is a hundred, no a thousand times better than Dexter. I wonder how Melanie was, she would be so engrossed in shopping that she wouldn't remember me. I was strolling back to the place I call home when I felt someone stalking me. I thought of running at first but decided to remain calm, thinking it might be nothing. I scanned the area for any sign of a stalker before adrenaline kicked in and I started running. Luckily I was wearing flats not wedge or heels, that could have been worse. I felt my stalker catching up to me effortlessly, then all of a sudden, a handkerchief soaked with something wet was placed on my nose from behind me. Oooh my gosh. Chloroform.Then it dawned on me, I was being abducted! I tried not to breathe it in.

"Breathe princess, just breathe and relax, you are mine and you are safe with me, so breathe." The voice sounded so convincing and familiar. "Easy as ABC." I tried to struggle but to no avail, then I heard another voice as I slowly thought of breathing.

"Alpha!" The voice came nearer and my abductor held onto me possessively. "Please let it not be this way."

So my abductor is an alpha. Cute. Ugh, Liliana, you are being abducted for Pete's sake not romanced, so think. My abductor replied, his voice laced with anger directed at the intruder. "She's mine!!"

I felt like shouting, 'Hey mister, I'm not a slice of pizza that you can claim as yours.' But the chloroform I had inhaled was making me so weak and dizzy. The intruder continued, "She's not going to accept it this way, what if she got hurt this way? You won't be able to forgive yourself. Taking the Luna this way isn't the best way, Alpha."

My mind was filled with many unanswered questions. What's going on? What's Alpha? What's Luna? Why the hell am I being taken? I was almost passing out as the handkerchief was removed from my nose. I staggered as I turned to see the face of my abductor. His golden eyes were mesmerizing. Then everything went black.

I felt so comfortable as I snuggled more into the soft, fluffy, bed and pillow, the duvet wasn't any different but then it had an unfamiliar scent on it. With that, I opened my eyes, one quick scan of the room made me realize that I was neither in my room nor Melanie's room. The room was magnificent and extremely beautiful. I wondered how much was invented to make it end up this way. My thoughts were rushing through my mind as to why I was in somebody else's bed but then I remembered, I was abducted.

I ran to the door and found it open despite the fact that there was a door passcode. 'No, it might be a trap, how can I be abducted and the door is left open?' I thought inwardly. I went to one of the windows and looked down. It was a very high spot but the will to excape was in control. So without another thought, I jumped down. No one can jump from that high spot without having an injury, so I wasn't very lucky either.

As I took a step, I winced a bit. I had sprained my ankle, but getting to safety was my priority. It was like the house was located in the middle of nowhere, in the woods. Unfortunately, my phone wasn't with me so I just followed a path with high hopes that it would lead me somewhere far away from my obviously mentally deranged abductor who claims me to be his. I wondered how Melanie was faring, she was probably still sleeping but I partly hoped that she had filed a missing report about me, and again, she might have not.

"Stop!" I heard a voice which was not far away from me. "Please don't go."

My heart was beating erratically. I wanted to run, but the pain shooting from my injured ankle was preventing me. I replied without looking back at whoever had stopped me. "Look I don't know who you are or why you abducted me but please let me go home. I promise to keep my mouth shut and not say anything to the cops. Please just let me go home." I beseeched. I heard him come closer and I turned around sharply only to find myself facing the same guy that saved me from falling in the mall yesterday. The 'He abducted me! This is too far!' part of my mind agreed to him abducting me because it was quite romantic but the other part of my mind was furious and scared at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken you against your will. I lost control over myself and ended up doing the worst thing ever. Can you ever find a place in your heart to forgive me?"

Oh, that perfect voice, I almost swooned. Snap out of it! He continued without waiting for my response. "I know that you've gotten hurt, let me have a look at it and take care of you. Then I'll take you back to your home. I promise."

I was so impressed and was at loss for words. I wanted to know this guy better because I was already falling in love with him. He's so responsible, nice, smart with great looks to top it, girls must be flocking around him. I silently prayed not to fall too hard and too deep in love with him cause it would be very disappointing if he already has a girlfriend.

"Ok." I agreed. "Just because I'm too hurt to make a getaway from you."

He beamed and chuckled. "Seriously, you can try, but I don't think you can ever be able to outrun me, it's not possible. Many have tried and failed constantly, but I'm in for a new challenge."

"I'll keep that in mind." I didn't know how high my chances of outrunning him were but I wasn't just going to back down.

"Okay, babe."

I blushed as he came closer, surprisingly scooped me up in his arms with no effort at all, and started walking back towards the house which only he remembered the path to. "Kismet, huh?" He said.

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